Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. Hi! I’m an all around American girl that loves Harry Potter, and has just discovered the amazing world of Lord of the Rings. I attend High School and have 2 years before I’m out! I still do not know what I wish to do with my life, something interesting. I adore time-turner, Marauder years, reincarnation of the Potters and Sirius, and just about any other Harry Potter story thrown my way. Please read and review my story(s). If you tell me of your story I promise to do the same for you. I must add a shameless plug for my wonderful beta reader, LiteraryLuminary. Not only is she the best beta reader a girl could ask for, but she is an awe-inspiring writer; I urge you to read her works. You can find a link to them under my favorite authors; one of the best that I have ever come across. :shameless plug over: Again thank you for reading my story(s)! April 3, 2005 I have started on a draft for the next chapter and am in the process of writing it and sending it off to my beta-reader. I hope I have not lost many readers due to my long absence. Life took over and I could not escape. When everything finally settled down, reality reared its ugly head, again. My Aunt's cancer sprung up once again and she took a turn of the worse. My beautiful, 13 year old Golden Retriever had rapidly spreading lung cancer and seizers. We had to put him down right before my Aunt went into the hospitable. She checked out two weeks later and into home hospice before she passed. So, needless to say, I've been run ragged for the past two months. I want to get this story wrapped up so Ican start on more, I am afraid to have more than one going at a time because I will never get them finished. I have so many plot bunnies running around in my head. I hope for a new chapter sometime around the middle of the month. All the best, Mrs. Fawkes~ |