![]() Author has written 1 story for Pokémon, and Sonic the Hedgehog. So! After over a year-and-a-half on this site, I'm finally typing up a profile. For now, it will consist of this (probably unnecessary) preamble as a list of tropes that apply to me. This will be updated from time to time. My personality and life contain examples of: A Dog Named Dog: Close, my late dog's name is Lobo. "Lobo" is the Spanish name for the Mexican gray wolf. Aborted Arc: Possibly subverted. I've stopped updating my story because I'm unsatisfied with it, but instead of discontinuing it, I'm going to rewrite it. Accidental Innuendo: Lampshaded at every opportunity, usually by a very calm, "I beg your pardon?" See Don't You Dare Pity Me below. Do not question the value I place on trustworthiness. Whatever you do, do NOT drop a cat on me while I sleep (it Makes Sense in Context)! Wanton Cruelty to the Common CommaCannot Spit It Out: Whenever I'm put on the spot, my mind goes blank and I usually can't answer whatever question was asked. Don't You Dare Pity Me: I have Asperger's Syndrome, but see it as more of a gift than a hindrance. If you pity me for having it, I will pity you for having such closed-mindedness. Expy: Every character I have on the Pokémon Universe forum (apart from Aiden the Leafeon) is one. Fun With Acronyms: My standard new user greeting (SNUG) on forums. Lampshade Hanging: There are a lot of things I question if they don't make sense. Large Ham: Whenever no one is around to hear me sing, I do so in an overly-loud voice (complete with dancing). Lawful Stupid: Barely averted. The way my mind works, laws and rules aren't very flexible. However, I do make exceptions where necessary. Literal-Minded: I'm almost made of this trope, though it was more prevalent earlier on. Motor Mouth: Just ask me about trains or Pokémon... Older Than They Look: I'm sometimes mistaken for an older teenager, though it's not much of a difference. Red Oni, Blue Oni: My brother and I are Red and Blue, respectively. Sdrawkcab Name: My previous name, Retto the Otter. Also Meaningful Name. Serious Business: Most things. Shout-Out: These occur as often as possible. I wear bow-ties and talk about how cool they are. My standard new user greeting (SNUG) for forums (Hi, [penname]! Welcome to the forum! Do not attempt to escape or you will be obliterated! *beat* May I take your coat? [self-introduction; varies depending on the forum]) is partially taken from the Doctor Who 2012 Christmas special, "The Snowmen".Stealth Hi/Bye: I occasionally do this without knowing it. Unfortunate Names: Averted. My name was originally going to result in the initials "BM," which is the medical acronym for "bowel movement." Trivia: Schedule Slip: I announced a story in late 2014 and set the first chapter's release date for "before the end of the year". It's now 2015 and I still haven't started writing. My current Pokémon team (Alpha Sapphire) in no particular order: William the Manectric Gall the Gallade Mary the Spiritomb Kaa the Serperior Mudley the Swampert Gina the Klefki |