Author has written 2 stories for Legend of the Seeker, and Merlin. I'm not usually one for pure fanfiction, even though I spend a lot of time writing original stuff... but I got really into reading it recently, so I figured I would give writing it a try. It's been fun, so far. I hope you like it, if you read it. If people end up liking it, I'll try and do it some more... right now this is kind of a test run. I really hope my youth isn't glaringly obvious. And I just realized if it wasn't before it is now. Don't judge me, I'm a romantic. Most of my fics will be ships. Live long and prosper, DFTBA, may the force be with you, may the odds be ever in your favor, help at Hogwarts comes to those who ask for it, all that good dorky stuff ;) Ciao. |