Author has written 3 stories for Dark Souls, Kingdom Hearts, and My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア.
Hey everyone, names Orph, and I'm pretty new to writing.
I love the Persona series, and will be writing more stories for it than other games, but I also like KH, Zelda and DMC, so I might write some stories for them too.
PSN and Steam: OrphOfTheAbyss
Stories I'm Writing Now:
Heart of a Hero
Born Anew
Let's fill out this profile a bit.
You must fill out EVERY question! No skipping!
Copy and paste this on your profile!
1. Perfect? Naturally.
2. Tall? Taller than my girlfriend, that's all that matters.
3. In your pajamas? I don't actually have any.
4. Left handed? Nope. I eat left-handed though.
1. Friend you saw: My girlfriend.
3. Person to text you: My best friend Joker
4. Was today better than yesterday? Is any day better than the last? Or is every day as good as we make it?
1. Number: 46. No idea why.
2. Colour(s): Blue is my favorite colour, black is my favorite shade.
3. Fruit: Grapes, Bananas and Watermelon.
4. Place: At my computer.
1. Are you missing someone right now? No, I have everyone I need.
2. Are you happy? Yes, quite.
3. Are you sad? Sometimes.
4. Are you bored? Nope, its hard to be bored in this day and age.
6. Are you nervous? Not really, I'm learning to not care what Joker thinks.
8. Are you tired? Not anymore!
1. Real name? Declan.
2. Nick names? Deku.
3. Eye color? Blue.
4. Zodiac sign? Capricorn.
5. Male or female? Male.
6. Slut? 100%.
7. Smart? When it comes to computers, yes. Everything else, yes.
8. Hair color? Dark Brown.
9. Long or short? Like it long, but I usually keep it short out of neatness.
10. Sweats or Jeans? Jeans, all the way.
11. Phone or Camera? Phone. Camera's to clunky to carry around.
12. Drink or Smoke? Used too, not anymore.
13. Righty or lefty? Wasn't this an earlier question?
1. First best friend? He who must not be named.
2. First crush? She who must not be named.
3. First pet? Bird. Can't remember what type.
4. First big vacation? Trip around Australia.
1. Eating? FUSH UND CHIPS.
2. Drinking? Pepsi Max.
3. I'm about to: Harass Joker.
4. Listening to? "Only One King".
5. Plans for today? Gaming and reading, I guess.
1. Shorter or taller? Don't really care. Unless she's REALLY tall. In which case, no.
2. Romantic or spontaneous? Spontaneous.
3. Sensitive or loud? Sensitive.
4. Hook-up or relationship? Relationship. End comment.
1. Drank bubbles? No.
2. Lost glasses/contacts? Yep. A LOT of times.
3. Ran away from home? Yeah.
4. Broken someone's heart? I'm not a cruel person, so no, never intentionally.
5. Been arrested? No.
1. Miracles? No. Miracles can only happen if a God exists, which I don't believe.
2. Yourself? Try to.
3. Heaven? Nope.
4. Santa Claus? As above.
4. Love? Damn right I do. Without it, the world would be a boring place.
5. Do you like someone? Yes, my girlfriend.
6. Do you believe in God? Nope, sounds like a dumb idea tbh.
7. Answered the truth on all questions? Yep, pointless to lie right?
Thanks for Reading!