Author has written 3 stories for Rosario + Vampire, and Star Wars. Real Name: Paul (But Jdog is still fine) Nationality: American (No capitalist pig remarks please. I get that already from my college instructor) Sex: Male (That is what I am mind you and not what I am looking for (still looking, btw, wink wink)) Birthday: May 10, 1982 (Please do not remind me of my age) Home: West Chicago, IL USA (Not planning on giving out my actual address. I may be dumb, but I am not stupid) Pen Name: Jdog2012 (Duh) History: I spent some time in the Marines some years ago (that was also where I originally got the nickname Jdog), got injured overseas, did a lot of different odd jobs after that, dated a few girls that were not quite human themselves, been taking some college classes in recent years, and not much else. Doing here: I thought I would join up and share my first fan fic (R&V Chronicles) with everyone and see how everybody liked it. I have always been a big fan of the R&V manga (the anime definitely left a lot to be desired) and I wanted to write a fan fic based on the outcome that I would most like to see happen in the end. Feel free to join my Patre0n page and get patron exclusive content today! I have a link to it an my fictionpress profile page. My Forum here (just right-click on the address and open a new tab to go straight there): Fanfics R&V Chronicles - Ongoing The story is set ten years after Tsukune marries all seven of the girls and moves to Hong Kong to work with Wong Fong-Fong to help keep the peace between humans and ayashi. Together as a family, they face countless dangers between their missions around the world, their overbearing in-laws, keeping their true forms secret, and all the trouble that their children constantly get into. I came up with the name "R&V Chronicles" from a favorite story of mine "Naruhina Chronicles" on youtube. This story first came about in early 2012 when frustrated that there were no good R&V stories that both had our desired ending (harem) and a real R&V feel to it, I seriously discussed the possibility of creating my own fanfic with two of my friends despite having no writing experience at all. One (Alpha) gave me the encouragement I needed and suggested this site. The other (Raz) made a good case to me of adding Kokoa to the harem (I had not seriously considered that before then) and eventually agreed to become my beta reader. All in all, if it were not for these two great guys, I might not have created this story in the first place. At first, I only had the material in the old "harem thread" at the forum we all met at and had a vision of Tsukune and Mizore saving their son together from a Russian Bigfoot (which explains the 1st and part of the 2nd Arcs). After that, my writing skills improved and I got my bearings which allowed me to really give a much better R&V feel to it that has continuously gotten better with time. It was around this time during the 3rd Arc that I greatly expanded the R&V universe by adding many, many more elements to it, several of which have still not been revealed at this time (the beginning of the 6th Arc) but will be very soon. I decided to start this story off over a decade after the manga because I wanted the kids to be there and to be old enough to do things on their own. It also provides a lot of space between the manga and the start of the storyline that I can then take advantage of in one way or another. As of right now (Feb 03, 2014), I have a total of 11 Arcs planned with ideas for more after that. The ending of the manga yesterday has made it very clear that I will have to decide on a cutoff point before the ending since my story cannot possibly pick up after a disaster of an ending like that which I will update everyone on in my future chapters and forum. So subscribe to my forum and you can get all the latest updates there. The Legend of Sejr - One-Shot A thousand years before the Death Star was destroyed, the Republic again stands on the brink of destruction. It is the period of time known as the Republic Dark Age. A thousand years ago, Darth Ruin created the New Sith Empire, thus sparking the New Sith Wars that have been raging ever since. Amidst of all this unrest however, though all but forgotten by most, a legend is born… I have been a Star Wars fan since I was little kid and always loved it. I was originally going to set it a few years after the movies ended, but did not want it to clash with the many, many novels and movie coming out this December and decided to change it at the last minute. For inspiration, that would mainly be KOTOR 2: The Sith Lords and my Sith Inquisitor in KOTOR. I wanted to create a character that was neither 100% light nor dark (seems like that is all there is in the Star Wars materials) but had elements of and ability for both and had an interesting background story. As much as I would like to write additional chapters for this story however, I am busy with a lot of things these days so that is not going to happen anytime soon. Rosario Vampire: Ascendance - Temporary Hiatus This in an AU story that picks up during the Battle at the Floating Garden. After the battle, Tsukune and the others head back to Youkai Academy where they try to resume their everyday lives. They press on as a group and eventually progress to being seniors, graduating, adulthood, and beyond (though not necessarily in that order). This is the brainchild of my beta, InMyOwnMind. He had wanted to write this story himself, but after his own previous works did not work out very well, he decided to have someone else write it in his place. He wanted a writer that would do his story justice and after beta reading for me and my story, he asked me and I agreed. Our two stories are basically going to leapfrog each other. An arc for one and then the other and then back again, etc. We will be doing it this way for the foreseeable future (which will be going on for years). Web Novel You Want Me to be a Demon General? - Ongoing Pete Paulsen is a 34 year-old retired marine and avid gamer. Life in general has not been kind to him in recent years. One day however, all that changes. After returning home and logging into a strategy-based game that he likes to play, he receives a strange message. After which, he is teleported to another world and wakes up to find a catgirl taking care of him but is then trapped in a room with what appear to be red-skinned and horned devils with their leader calling for his immediate execution. Did he die and end up in Hell? What should he do next? Hell, what can he do next? Though he has no idea what is going on, he will soon be made an offer that he may very well not be able to refuse. Read to find out what happens next! I will update it when I can. |