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Joined 05-12-12, id: 4002426, Profile Updated: 02-15-14
Author has written 1 story for Ninjago.

Well would'ya look at says my last update was on 12/22/2012! *gasp*

Okay, so first some stats on my NinjaGo OC:

Name: Coulter {Last name is still in the works...}

Hair Color: Blonde, Brown...almost dirty blonde.

Eye Color: An electrified silver.

Height: 5'6

Weight: 118 lb.

Body Type: Slim, slightly muscular.

Ninja Suit Color: Purple

Element/Power: Nature/Music

ALRIGHT! Now that I've gotten that out of the way...

'Ello! I'm Myles, the head-and only-writer behind Coulter & Company!

sigh* Basically, I've wanted to start a Fanfic for a while, specifically Ninjago, but I just wasn't ready and I felt as though my Fanfic wasn't good enough... (Stupid, I know. But I was going through some tough emotional times...) But tons of encouragement from Delilah-the-ninja, annnd the premier of Ninjago SEASON 4 (WOOT WOOT!) has inspired me to go ahead and make my debut!

Here is some general information about my account:

I will be posting one new chapter of my Fanfiction each week (probably Friday) following the airing of the new episode.

I am best friends with Delilah-the-ninja, in real life, and she is AMAZING.

We will most likely be doing collabs from time to time.

I tried to keep my profile short, sweet, and to the point and I do hope I succeeded! (Although you are on a site that is literally NOTHING BUT LITERATURE, but I digress...xD)

Until next update,

Myles C.

AKA: Coulter-the-Ninja

Coulter & Company reviews
Coulter is your not-so-average introverted fandom geek who discovers through a near death experience with a psychotic robot microwave that he is a Ninja. Strap in for the ride of your life as Coulter discovers his Ninja powers, helps to defeat the Overlord, and other shenanigans with the main five and DELILAH EVE MARTIANNN! I'm horrible at descriptions so, yeah... My apologies!
Ninjago - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,346 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 - Published: 1/31/2014