Author has written 7 stories for StarTrek: The Original Series. Suzy Scribbles has been writing stories since she was ten years old (and that was a long time ago). They weren't very good; pencil and paper tends to make a story short and to the point--with limited editing. However, with the advent of keyboarding, cut-and-paste features, and good ol' spell checker, Ms. Scribbles has been able to make many more lengthy contributions to her story files. She loves to create outer space stories, and Star Trek (original) is high on her "must write" list. As a 12-year-old watching the series debut of Star Trek in 1966, Suzy Scribbles wished she could have lived on the Enterprise and had Captain Kirk as her father. Wishes soon turned into stories, first in her head and then on paper. Years later, as a published author of kids and young adult novels, Suzy Scribbles has refined her writing skills and brought her childhood vision out of hiding. Here is her idea of a family-friendly alternate Star Trek original series universe. Hope you enjoy the stories! Suzy Scribbles lives in the Pacific Northwest of the United States and is a published author of over 30 children's books, but sometimes she wishes she could beam up to the Final Frontier. |
Kehlan (8) |