Author has written 2 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog. I might eventually fill this with potential useful information. But not today. UPDATE 19 December 2012: I have very limited time for writing fanfiction. I originally aimed for an update once a month, but even that is hard to achieve with college and a lot of other personal projects going on. When I joined the site, I had a lot of free time. I don't have that anymore. It's college, graduating, and then get a job. I won't delete anything I posted here already, not will I delete what I had already typed at my PC (but still needs A LOT of revising/editing). I'm not throwing in the towel or anything; I might still do random one-offs, or maybe not thinking about it at all for a while might even get me to take up writing again (instead of only reading what others write). But for the time being, don't check your mailbox everyday hoping to find the next chapter, because it probably won't be there. I'll still be around on the site from time to time, and PM's get forwarded to my mailbox and I'll answer (or at least read) them. But writing? It might be a while until I pick that up again. lolcode |