Author has written 6 stories for Naruto, and Kingdom Hearts. Why, Hello, everyone and anyone. Come one, come all, you're all invited as long as you don't leave. (Leave A Response After The Beep. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.) Well, uh, I like writing stories. Mostly random ones with no points, ya? I think I'm 'known' for my fic Bunraku...which I hate. I don't like it, aaaargh. Too many plotholes and horrible writing all around. Thanks to those who stuck by it, though. 3's to all of you. I have CANNIBALISM in one of my stories. I've gotten flames for it, so if you don't like it, press the button on your screen, pleeeee-ase. 3 Thanks. Un...ya, that's it. I like taking requests smiley As long as you're patient I can prolly write a little sum-sum for ya. NEWS I'm writing (supposedly) a sequel of To The Winner called ...goes the spoils. Kukuku. Besides that, am writing an AKUROKU fic that I love. In lieu of my failure to complete Bunraku, I've decided to write all the chapteres before posting so to avoid giving myself an unnecessary hernia. W00t. Plus I obviously won't be review-driven, as some seem to think I am. By the by, toodles darling. |
CaideSin (100) lhbaghead (17) | resublimity (3) Suicidal Skies (9) | Sunfreak (251) |