Blue Rocker and Red Fire
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Joined 04-08-12, id: 3894560, Profile Updated: 05-22-12
Author has written 1 story for Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

Ok, so this account belongs to two people. Blue Rocker will be in bold and Red Fire will be in italics.

Hey guys, I am Blue Rocker! So let me tell you a little about myself. You can call me a rebel or lazy, a girl who takes nothing from no one, I do my own thing all the time unless Red Fire's is nagging me. Here's an idea. I love to fight, swim and play soccer. I love sports. My favorite team of all time has to be the soccer team Real Madrid. I LOVE them. My favorite color is blue, as you can probably tell, but black is a close second. But don't get me wrong, I do have straight A's. Science is the best subject EVER!!! I'm kind of a nerd when I'm not threatening someone. Now Red Fire, is a complete opposite of me, except for the grades. And she actually likes math and hates science. Can you believe that? Have you guys ever heard of Yin and Yang? Well, I got the black part, where Red Fire got the white, cause she's all innocent and stuff. She refuses to get involved in any of my pranks. And my pranks were LEGEN ( wait for it ) DARY!! And I also love music, but my favorite has to be heavy metal, even though I love all music. I also love 1D, especially Zayn, which also means beautiful in Arabic, which also happens to be my second language, but still, heavy metal all the way! Go Metallica.

Hey guys, I am Red Fire! So, since Blue Rocker told you guys about my whole innocent thing and stuff, I can tell you the more personal stuff about me. I love to play piano, read and draw. See my point, guys. Innocent and smart. What did I tell you. Shut up, Blue Rocker! So anyways, before I was rudely interrupted, ( I'm rolling my eyes here ) Again, stop interrupting me or else you'll feel the wrath of my asian glare ( ... I'm done. If you ever been the victim of Asian glares, I feel for you. It's terrifying, just terrifying, and I'm not one to get scared.) Anyways, hopefully I won't get interrupted this time, unlike Blue Rocker, I don't leave things to the last minute. I get what's need to be done fast. I LOVE math! I think it's the best subject in the world!! This is why I let her do my math homework. As I was saying, math is amazing! Science sucks. (choking you from a distance right now. Science is too cool and amazing) Haha sureeee. ( blocking Blue Rocker's hand from hitting me.) For a teenage girl, she hits way too hard. I swear, she can take on a 30 year old guy and win. One time, she knocked out a girl who was saying things about me. She was passed out for AT LEAST 5 minutes. Anyways, wow, I say that a lot, don't I? Cause somebody keeps on interrupting me. I didn't interrupt you when you were doing your whole little speech, was I? Now, I am totally in love with Logan Lerman, so ladies, back off. HE'S MINE!! Over protective much? You know it's true. Logan Lerman in his beautiful eyes and amazing hair and awesome kick butt movies. (rolling my eyes) He's just an amazing actor. So, we just love Percy Jackson and love writing fanfictions. I hope you guys like them!

Don't you love boarding schools? reviews
Annabeth's boarding school is allowing people to come visit for a day. But what happens if Annabeth's step-mom can't make it, but she sends Percy to Annabeth's school instead. What will her class mates think of her boyfriend? set after TLO. PERCABETH!
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 634 - Reviews: 128 - Favs: 145 - Follows: 216 - Published: 4/22/2012 - Annabeth C., Percy J.
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