Author has written 1 story for Gundam Wing/AC. Hey Peoples!This is where I get to write and you get to read and review. This is just the beginning for me and I hope I can start to write really good stories for all you readers out there. I love to write. My grammar may suck but I still love to write. I extrememly love Gundam Wing...fortunatly it hasn't become an obbsession...yet. My favorite types of stories are with Heero and Relena. If you are one of those people who like yaoi stories, sorry, you're not going to find any here. I like to stick to straight charactes. I DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING AGAINST yaoi stories...I just don't like to write them. So don't flame me if all my stories are about Relena and Heero and/or I don't have any Heero and Duo stories. I hope this is all clear to you guys. Wish me luck! *crosses fingers* Listen, I want you to know that if people review for me, you are welcome to put your email address. I DO WRITE PEOPLE BACK! So just in case you want to know... Also, since I am now Angel Eyes17, which means I'm the 17th Angel Eyes (I think), I have switched my name to PENSIVE PUDDLES. So if you like my writing or are just intrested in my work, you can check for me under that name. Thank you all for your reviews!! ~ Angel Eyes17 |