Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter. Hey all! My stories have been on hold for a while, but you'll be pleased to know (well you might!) that i'm coming back! I've been re-writing the early chapters of Casus belli which really arn't up to scratch. Reading through the story made me realise how much i've improved at writing as i've gone along, and how the first 10 or so chapters really don't do the rest of the story justice. I also found another chapter and a half of Casus belli which isn't posted, so i'llput them up as soon as i've made the changes, and hopefully finish that story some time this century! As for new fics I'm working on a super new one (yaaaayy!) called 'Pro Tempore.' Its sort of a 'next generation' fic, where the trio get transported to the future. You may not be very keen on this sort of thing, but i ask you to read it as its very well written,in a very JK Rowling sort of way (it could be cannon!),and i know you'll enjoy it-I've only written one and half chapters but already its the best thing ive ever done! I'vewritten character studies and done loads of development on the orignal characters involved, and it's brilliant. (And i don't mean this in a big headed sort of way.) I see it as another stepping stone towards me writing something truly original, just my own. I've also started looking at a story i wrote a long time ago, and will probably be picking it up soon. It's called 'In loco parentis,' and is a post-Hogwats fic, but in a very JK Rowling sort of way again, it sort of follows directly on. In this story Hermione falls pregnant with Viktor's baby, but he wants nothing to do with it, so Ron offers to step in 'in place of a parent.' And then theres 'In loco Parentis 2' which i've also got planned out, and is incredibly sad (poor Harry!) not that the first one isn't too! I hope to get this story up soon, as this plot bunnies been chewing at my curtains for a very long time. So this is me: Name: Marauder 'Amee' Angel Age: 17 Location: England- i'm not from the US like everyone thinks, i just had an american spellcheck! Moto: Carpe diem (seize the day) Email: Marauderangel@ -Yeah, i put my email address up wrong before (yeah i know, Greg!) but it's right now. I check for emails all the time, so don't hesitate to email me. Thats all from me for now. I just want to say thank you to Greg who has been reminding me to keep my writing up, a job i don't do very well myself. Hugs and smiles, Marauder Angel |