Author has written 26 stories for Dragon Knights, Ranma, Naruto, Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh, Harry Potter, and Saiunkoku Monogatari. 11 January, 2008 I started writing fanfiction in 2003 and am still at it four years later, so I must be having fun, right? Hopefully, I've gotten better since I started. I'm more confident about tackling action scenes, which is at least one bonus. Getting better is my goal and you can help by reviewing and telling me what works and what doesn't. Since the picture's in my head, it's harder for me to read my stuff objectively and realise what's missing and what's confusing.As a result, all feedback is appreciated. If you can find something wrong and have any suggestions then I'll use them in future stories, even if I don't amend the original stories. I had planned to edit my earlier fics, but couldn't when re-writing Inside Tetheus's Head broke me a little. Maybe it was too old to return to. The style change over time, as it was one of my first fics, is therefore something that has to be lived with. Most of the stories below are for Dragon Knights. I love the series and coming up with plots and characterisations is easy now, though I still want to dip my toes into other fandoms. I'd like to write some good Vampire Game stuff, as the series is wonderful. Naruto's cool too and Kyo Kara Maoh. Not all stories are yaoi, not all are het and only one (so far)is smutty. Hmm, wait, make that two. Inside Tetheus's Head cannot be called unsmutty. At the moment, I'm playing more games than watching anime, although I plan to change that back. I'm following Saiunkoku Monogatari and have written a few stories for it, although none of them have been more than a one shot. My other half has gotten me World of Warcraft, but I'm being good. I spend some time playing Rogue Galaxy and Shadow Hearts and only some time levelling my characters. My troll's 70 and one other character has passed 20. Starting new characters is fun and learning about new classes is interesting, but it takes time to adjust back to anything but the priest, so they don't get loved as much after their first appearance. Currently writing I'm writing a biggish fic for Dragon Knights. It's not really co-operating with me, but I'm ploughing through it. I'm not going to post any of it until I reach the third draft, so it could be a year at the rate I'm going. I'm making my way through a number of crack!fics for Saiunkoku Monogatari. It's really easy for me to get ideas from crack prompts, so I may have lots more to add. Twenty Themes: Written for the live journal challenge. Current standing 18/20. I'm so lazy. The last two need research done before they're finished. I'm so close and not done yet. Really, someone should poke me in the butt and get them out there. This has gotten ridiculous. Completed works A Suitable Bride ...oOo... Care Package for Kai-Stern ...oOo... Careful Planning ...oOo... Dragon Knights Sentai ...oOo... Goodbye ...oOo... Meaningless Fluff ...oOo... What about me? ...oOo... Steal the Covers ...oOo... Inside Tetheus's Head ...oOo... Birthday Fluff Abandoned works Cliffhanger Special ...oOo... Kakashi's Sedentary Adventures ... All feedback is gratefully appreciated. |