Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. greetings, gentle readers!let me be brief: i'm a femmeslasher on a mission. ^_^ most fandoms don't have a strong femmeslash representation, and i strive to redress that. i also have a weakness for threesome/polyamorous fic... my most prolific fandom is harry potter; my current fave pairing is hermione/ginny. but i love unusual fandoms and pairings. i've even done shakespeare and the bible...wherever inspiration strikes. (i take suggestions, if anyone's curious!) i'm glad you've come. wanna subvert the dominant paradigm with me? ^_~ {NOTE: due to ff.n's decision to pull NC-17 stories, i'm not updating much here anymore. actually i'm not updating much, period - school is occupying most of my time these days. however, feel free to check in at my homepage for any updates that might occur...} |