Author has written 5 stories for D N Angel, Get Backers, Misc. Anime/Manga, and X/1999.
This is a join account for Shahrezad1 and Sekaina, both writers on .
this description was written by Sherry and posted by Sekaina:
"We have brown eyes (I actually have hazel), brown hair, and are both visually challenged (ie. Glasses/Contacts) -as well vertically challenged.- We are also both 17 (I'm 18 now), and enjoy anything Anime/ matter what language it's in."
"As this is a joint account between my friend and I, I feel that it is necessary to explain things a bit. I am Shahrezad1 (Sherry), my friend is Sekaina, and we have quite a few things we have made together and which we don't know where they should be we made this. Feel free to Email me at Shahrezad1@ just as much as you email Sekaina...but I'm more fun to talk to. *flashes grin, then runs from Sekaina's Katanas* My favorite color is Turquoise, I love soccer, playing computer/PS/PS2 games (aka Starcraft, Diablo, Final Fantasy VII-X, Tekken, and Monkey Island), singing, dancing (although I'm not very good at it), drawing, reading (books, fanfics, you name it!), writing (fanfics), and bugging my friends by using extremely long words that they have no idea as to the definition. Like Masochist, for example, or Misogyny and Chauvinistic. =^_^= Well, Shitsurei Shimasu, Minna-San."
Konbonwa Minna-san. As for my bio: I've been 18 for two months and I have a boyfriend I like bunches (Jesse) and am having a stressful but fun time in school. As for anything anime related, my favorite anime's are Weiss Kreuz Gluhen, D.N. Angel, Getbackers, Saiyuki and X. I know, I know, X is depressing, buuuuut...SUBARU-KUN'S SO DARN CUTE!!!!!I DON'T LIKE FUUMA!!!EVIL! ...*shudders* Kamui can be an evil little brat when he wants to be...eheh...SEIISHIROU's not so bad I guess *beams* Matane Minna-san! PS My favorite assassin is OMI TSUKIYONO!!!!
The songs will list who created them. The songs are to classic Christmas songs(or musicals) . If you enjoy them, email us.
That's all for now.