Author has written 1 story for Glee. 3D animation student that likes to draw. I write. Sometimes. I like to, at least. My primary interests are Pokémon and Glee. I've come to the recent realization that I am completely and utterly failing at recalling Pokemon info like I used to, and I'm so embarrassed by that fact. I'm so sorry. I'm always looking for new fic recommendations, but I apparently never have time to read them. I don't know why. I get so distracted. My tumblr is - I love feedback and talking with people. I mostly like to reply with gifs, because it makes me laugh. Probably not so much you. Oh well. I also sometimes post artwork. I'M NOT SO GREAT AT FINISHING THINGS. I also sometimes don't get messages on my tumblr and I have no idea why. But I am always on tumblr unless I am in class or dead. And by dead, I mean sleeping. Sleeping is probably my third greatest passion, after food. I am a champion sleeper. |