![]() Author has written 9 stories for Once Upon a Time, Avengers, Rise of the Guardians, and Gravity Falls. Hey! My name is MoreThanMeetsTheEye96, MTMTE for short. I've been into Fanfiction for several years now, and have been publishing stuff for about a year now. I am a huge ignoramus when it comes to technology, but I love to write and I love this site, so there you go. Okay, now other things. I am currently a junior in high school and junior year is madness. I am in Honor and AP classes and on my school's Speech and Debate Team, so my life is pretty hectic. I have some ideas for actual story stories but am having a hard time finding the time to write them out, so if I don't have much stuff done and they're usually oneshots, do not be discouraged, I'm just able to focus on one, simple topic rather then a multi-chapter story, so please read them if you like what I've done so far and I will try to find some time to write down some real stuff...maybe during Christmas break... Wow, you're still reading this? I must say you are either bored or actually interested in what I have to say, either way I'm glad you're reading this, so thank you for taking time in your day to look at my profile and possibly read my stories. Thank each and every one of you who has read, followed, favorited and reviewed my stories, I appreciate it! Things About Me You Could Care Less About: -I love to read a lot and love to write, ergo this website is perfect for me. -I am not a fan of smut. I have actually stopped reading several stories because of material I'm just not comfortable with. Sorry, it just doesn't fly with me and my tiny naive mind I had when I discovered this sight a couple years back has been so screwed up I'm still trying to invent brain bleach. I also blame deviantArt for the state of my poor brain. If I don't like watching it on TV, I don't like reading it on a website or even talking about it, I don't hate anyone for doing this, I just prefer things be a little more clean-cut. -I love comic books, the original X-Men are my favorite, even though I've read only a few I've managed to scramble together from my dad, and they are definitely out of order. -I leave LONG reviews. I can't help it, the only people who I can relate to about the things I love are on this website, so I get a little lengthy and creepy in my devotion to your guys' writing. I'm not trying to stalk you, I'm just deprived of people with good taste and have a lot of opinions. -The guys I have crushes are mathematically twice my age most of the time. Yeah, don't ask. -I am a twin and she has a fanfic account too (I'm not telling who she is 'cuz to me that's devious) I also hate it when idiots come up to us and ask if we're twins. We are identical and the people who ask I've been in school with since kindergarten. -I hate idiots, stupid people tick me off a little and thus I stay to myself a lot. My mom calls me the ultimate loner (which is funny because my sister and I are like this (tries to make a crossed-fingers icon on the computer and failing) -Favorite book: Right now it's the Morganville Vampires (I know, I know, vampires, but it actually makes me laugh a lot even if the story line isn't totally chill). -Favorite movies(s): Avengers (comic book nerd and it was the perfect mixture of humor and action). I also like the mini series Tin Man from Sci-Fy, the first PoC movie and the Avengers' origin movies. I think the Hunger Games was a good rendition of the book, considering I'm a stickler for those things, and yeah, that's what I have to say about that. I also recently watched the animated films Wreck-It-Ralph and Rise of the Guardians and I have to say, these two films are two of the best animated movies I have seen in years. They were both amazing and perfect and awesome. -I hate the X Men movies: Don't get me wrong, if you take away everything from the comics they're okay but they just irk me, especially the last two. The Gambit sucked for X-Men Origins and there was no real plot to it. In X-M: FC when Xavier was hit with the bullet, everyone gasped in the theatre except three people. My dad yelled "You gotta be kidding me!" and my sister and I were laughing at the absolute crap that that scene was. Angel is not a hooker, he is a man with ANGEL wings, not BUTTERFLY wings and acid spit. Alex Summers is not older then Scott, at least by the original movies' standards, Beast did not invent Cerebro or the Blackbird and who the heck are Darwin and that Twister guy? Seriously. -I love God and love my youth group, we are awesome nerds and I just love them all. -I love music although I'm not too in the know about band names or groups or albums or that kind of stuff, I'm slow on a lot of stuff like that. I am currently into Three Days Grace, Tenth North Avenue and Casting Crowns. You may thank the amazing Geek for God for leading me towards these bands and I they are all I really listen to, along with Soundgarden's Live to Rise (Avengers) and Alan Silvestri's Avengers Theme. Favorite websites to go on when I'm bored: , , , , and Fanfic, so go on these when you're bored. My favorite color(s): Blue, turqoise, grey, and yellow occasionally. -I love Disney movies and songs. I have whole soundtracks on my laptop and am not afraid to sing Part of That World or A Whole New World at the top of my lungs to my friends utter regret. -There ya go, you just read a whole lot of crap about me and you don't even know what I look like (a good thing, trust me). Hope I helped waste your time as much as I did mine with writing what appears to be a really long profile. Happy reading guys :) P.S.: I really like reviews and PMs, they make me happy and make me feel like I've accomplished something. Fandoms/Things I Like:Heroes, Avengers, anything pertaining to Batman, Smallville, Once Upon a Time, Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, Rise of the Guardians, Wreck-It-Ralph, Harry Potter, Mentalist, Castle, Morganville Vampire Series, BBC's Sherlock, Doctor Who. If you believe in Jesus Christ put this in your profile and don't just ignore this, because in the Bible it says if you deny me, I will deny you in front of my Father in the gates of Heaven. Even when you can't see Him, GOD is there! if you believe in GOD put this in your profile. 96 percent of teens won't stand up for Christ. If you are one of the 4 percent that will, copy and paste this in your profile. I love Jesus, Jesus love love love love love love love loves me, if you believe Jesus loves you paste this in your profile. |