Author has written 1 story for Yu-Gi-Oh. We used to be Starkiss and Yami-no-Yugi, but on September 9th, both our accounts were hacked into and destroyed. Now we go by two different pen names, but we still have the account open _ Wish Upon A Star has now fallen into the hands of new management... okay actually it's only Starkiss, who apologizes for the lack of updates since 2003 and will make an effort to land a second chapter sometime before summer 2006. If you wish to contact either of us... don't email us or send us that stupid little ff.n message thingee. Go to http:///users/tadashi_chan (and therein you may find out some shit about me, as well as find YnY's LJ account. You can also leave me a random comment there or send an email. Whatever floats your boat.) Ehh... yeah, that's all I have to say. Jaa! |