Author has written 19 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and Buffy X-overs. 6/30/07 Well, school's been over for a bout a week now and I've managed to post another chapter in that time. My brother's been typing up the next chapter for Minutes to Memories, but that's still a couple weeks off. He needs to be prodded every couple/few days so he doesn't forget about getting some typing in. After that it'll be a chapter from Bright Lights followed by another Minutes to Memories chapter and then Riders on the Storm. Everything is finally coming to a head in Minutes to Memories, and the last few parts will pretty much be all out action, there's only one final chapter that has to be written and that should be finished in the next couple of weeks, epilogue's already done... a few revisions but nothing major. There's also five or six other chapters just waiting to be typed up as well for various stories, I'm not sure what is going to follow what. That being said I do have some, maybe not good news, as my brain has been working very hard, but over the next few weeks I'll be posting several new story lines. The first of these is a major Wheel of Time crossover that's beginning is going to coincide with the first book, Eye of the World. The first part of the prologue will be up between the fifth and the seventh of July. The prologue is complete, I just have to type it up and do a bit of editing, and yes, unlike most of my other stories it will be me typing it, not my brother. The second is a Buffy/Heroes/Marvel/Dead Zone crossover. I didn't realize how big the first chapter had gotten over the several days I'd been writing it so it's going to take me about two weeks to type it up. The final one is a Heroes/Stargate crossover, inspired by the story Gods Among Us, an excellent read whose author is doing a bang up job... and their posting is only slightly less erratic then my own. Have several other ideas floating around as well, nothing that has been fleshed out, another chapter to Closet Chronicles is on the agenda after I've finished with the Minutes to Memories finale and there’s only three or four more chapters before The Garden of Allah takes an interesting little twist. As far as other new stories; I got a Buffy/Blade the series along with a Tru Calling/X-Men/Buffy ideas stewing around and something for a 4400/Heroes/Roswell crossover. Okay the Buffy/Blade and Tru Calling/X-Men/Buffy aren't such new ideas, the first two chapters of Buffy/Blade and the first chapter of the other are in with everything else waiting on my brother. But the 4400/Heroes/Roswell idea just sort of coalesced the other day while I was watching something completely unrelated, well maybe not completely unrelated, some commentary on modern politics and Bush, which sort of put me in mind of the current plot line of 4400 and what sort of reaction the government and regular people are going to have when they wake up and realize New York City was almost leveled by one man possessing the power of a nuclear bomb and how Nathan's fears just might become a reality. I can't believe I almost forgot, the final chapter to ...And the Mouse Police Never Sleeps is done. Big fight, a few twist at the end, and then on to the sequel. A few ideas to flesh out with it... we're just gonna have to see where it takes us. That's all I have going on. So until next time. Bastille Kain 2/6/07 Sorry about the long interval between postings; a combination between computer failure (finally replaced the expensive paperwieght that used to clutter my small work area with something a bit cheaper and so far, far more reliable-- its been weaks and nary a whiff of a crash), a month long bout with the flu and strep throat (really shouldn't wait weeks to see a doctor when seriously ill), and a long spell of creative indifference. If you've ever reached a point where nothing inspires you, makes you sit up and take notice, and doing something that you love sort of makes you feel blah, then you'll have some idea what I felt like for months on end. The doldrums have come to an end, and I've got about two hundred or so pages written up, hopefully I can get my brother to type up more then a page a day but I wouldn't really hold my breath. Enjoy the new posting, should have something else done by the end of the week. Bastille Kain |