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Joined 01-22-12, id: 3653731, Profile Updated: 07-31-20
Author has written 1 story for SEGA Superstars.

Name: TheFlyingRedJerk

Age: 26

Status: Dating

Hobbies: Gaming, art, watching anime

From: Chicago, Illinois

School Status: Complete

Social Site: Facebook

Hello, this is TheFlyingRedJerk and I am planning on becoming an excellent writer. I love various video games made by companies like Sony, Nintendo, Sega, and many others. I've watched plenty of anime in my life and been a follower of Weekly Shonen Jump since the age of 10. My goal is to make the best Sega Super Stars fanfiction of all time and Sonic & Sega All Stars: Subspace Unleashed (an ongoing series of mines) is what I'm writing to obtain that goal. I usually like having some online matches on my Switch, PS4, and 3DS and you can feel free to ask for my friend codes/names if you want to befriend me. Feel free to read my works and give me some form of suggestions and feedback via Private Messaging.

Sonic & Sega All Stars: Subspace Unleashed reviews
In this action packed adventure, Sonic and friends face a new threat called the Legion of Subspace, who wants the seven Chaos Emeralds for world domination and to shroud the entire world in darkness. It's up to Sonic, AiAi, Vyse, Beat, Ulala, Amigo, Gilius and the other Sega Super Stars to save the world.
SEGA Superstars - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 79 - Words: 664,587 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 16 - Updated: 9/5 - Published: 5/28/2013 - Sonic, Tails, Dr Eggman, Alex Kidd