Author has written 1 story for Joker/Clover/Heart no Kuni no Alice. Formerly known as Slothely Stego Bazinga Girl Hello, my name is Dolly's Toybox. An average joe of a girl who dreams of designing characters for video games or even creating her own manga art style comic books. I feel that if I wish to achieve the latter, writing fanfictions Should hhopefully help me improve my skill in story writing, so that's why I'm here ;. Social media: Facebook: Sorry, but I do believe a certain level of friendship is required. Line Play: Dolly #$# DeviantArt: Jrubia1 Instagram: artisaurus_rex Tumblr: artisaurus-rex YouTube: Bazingasaur Hobbies: Playing video games, watching anime, reading manga, listening to a large variety of music, rewatching the entirety of American Horror Story multiple times (excluding coven, I don't really like anything to do with witches) , I also draw...a lot. |