Author has written 35 stories for Saiyuki, Slam Dunk, Rurouni Kenshin, Shadow Skill, and Rugrats/All Grown Up!. 29-03-05 01-03-05 My birthday today miinasan...bokuwa, Sukunami Taka is eighteen as of today...sigh...whispers follow the sorrowful wind, where is my soul feeling the heartache, now what pulls me back... 13-08-04 Now that that's over with, the dedicated team of 'Taka-n-Kei' would like to declare with much regret and sorrow, the inevitable retirement of Keichirou Hideki. Keichirou-san adds that he is very much saddened by the sudden turn of events but shall continue to place high hopes of success for his dearest co-writer as well as partner-in-crime, Sukunami Taka. Keichirou-san wishes each and every one of his loyal fans a heartfelt "Au Revoir." ~New and/or Updated Fics Rurouni Kenshin Slam Dunk Sukunami Taka & Keichiro Hideki Taka and Keichiro are two avid anime fans, who love to watch, draw and write anime. They are proud to share their work with readers and fellow writers. They thank you the readers for the reviews. Taka and Kei are happy that their fics are being read... standby for more. Taka wishes to thankyou to fans of his Ohaiyos... but he has run out of inspiration so if fans would care to send in requests or ideas, it'll be much appreciated... They also accept reader's requests for fics... feel free to email. Taka and Keichiro would also love to receive any wallpapers of their characters from animes which include: Shadowskill: Dias lag and Darkness Taka and Keichirou wishes to inform readers that they are both slaving away and trying to cope in school (A levels) and thus fics would get updated rather slowly Taka turns puppy eyed and runs to hug the desolate readers while Kei hunched over trying to devise a plan to get out of work... Original literary works and poetry by Sukunami Taka and Keichirou Hideki are available at Fictionpress We can often be both reached outside of the fanfiction world, besides by email- Taka has yahoo messenger with username Taka and Keichirou while Kei uses some other obscure name that would have to be wrung out of him or else you could send him an email... msn messenger and friendster is also an option to reach Taka with user-email dagazdreamer@ or user name Taka Sukunami...or Dagazdreamer Sukunami Taka As the more serious one, Taka usually immerses himself in books. Hobbies include drawing and writing, listening to music, and keeping Keichirou in check (Taka: haha) (Keichirou: Hey!) Poor Taka usually has the dangerous work of protecting Kei from his big mouth(Kei: Oi!). In his desperate attempt to continue writing for the readers, he has to keep Kei under heavy guard. Readers are warned to keep clear of Keichirou... (Kei-;;; you make me sound like some juvenile delinquent)(Taka:You are...) Taka's fave yaoi pairings include: Yami no Matsuei Rurouni Kenshin: Shishio x Soujiro Slam Dunk: Rukawa x Fujima Saiyuki: Sanzo x Hakkai Shadowskill: Card Captor Sakura Evangelion Angel Sanctuary Gravitation X/1999 Taka's fav animes include: Yami no Matsuei KEICHIRO HIDEKI Kei takes the lighter comic side.A major yaoi, hentai lover (Kei: Hey! I am not a hentai!) he usually takes a great laugh in aggravating Taka (Kei: Cackles evilly) (Taka: Hits Kei on the head with a fan) Kei’s Favourite Characters include: Rurouni Kenshin: Himura Kenshin Kei would like to say that most of his fics will thus be centered on the above mentioned characters. CO-FICS BY SUKUNAMI TAKA/KEICHIROU HIDEKI Completed Fics Gensomaden Saiyuki On-Going Fics Original Works Slam Dunk FICS BY SUKUNAMI TAKA Completed Fics Gensomaden Saiyuki Kazokkeu Watashiwa no Matsuei Slam Dunk Shadowskill Crossovers On-Going Fics Slam Dunk Saiyuki Rurouni Kenshin ~Keichiro Hideki Completed Fics Slam Dunk Rugrats |