Author has written 7 stories for Stargate: SG-1.
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You can email me at: aligater@
Hey! This is my profile, believe it or not. If you're reading this, then my love of fanfiction must already be apparent to you! Look out for part three of my "Dizzy Blonde!" series, when, and if, I'm able to finish it.
To read my original stuff, go to: www.fictionpress.info/~aligater
To begin, I want to thank Deepdale, Coco Ahrens, Beth, KAT and The female Apophis, who have bet'ad for me. I am forever in your debt!
So, here is some information about me:
Hobbies: Writing (but of course), Taekwon Do, reading, debating, painting.
Television programmes (yes, I spell it with two 'm's and an 'e'): Buffy; Angel; Stargates SG-1 & Atlantis; Bones; Cold Case;Startreks Voyager, Enterprise and Deep Space Nine; and British horror, 'Hex' and comedy, 'Teachers'. Nip/Tuck is occasionalily on my TV screen, and I will watch Mutant X, Jake 2.0 or Andromeda if I'm having sci-fi cravings.
Books: My favourite is 'When Elephants Weep' by Jeffrey Masson and Susan McCarthy. I'm also getting into 'The Vampire Chronicles' right now. I loved 'Interview With The Vampire', 'The Vampire Lestat', 'The Queen of the Damned' and 'The Tale of the Body Thief' and am reading 'Memnoch the Devil'. I've read 'The Mummy', another series of Anne Rice's,but I don't think it's really worth the read. My favourite children's booksare 'Stargirl' by Jerry Spinelli and good ole' Harry Potter. And, I must say it, I have an inevitable soft spot for Harper Lee's 'To Kill A Mockingbird'.
Addictions: Sugar, Coffee, and James Marsters, Richard Dean Anderson, Christopher Judge, Johnny Depp...
Worst fear: That through “Dizzy Blonde!”, I’ve created a race of evil Sam/MacKay shippers that will eventually take over the world and turn all people into Sam/MacKay shippers and crucify all Jack/Sam shippers before burning all Divide and Conquer related material and using it to adorn the graves of Jack/Sam shippers and then creating an evil hybrid of sea-monkeys that will take over the White House and eat carnivorously. That and spiders.
I'm also vegetarian. And I mean it. I eat nothing that used to have a circulatory system!
I am a Buffy/Spike shipper, and a major Jack/Sam shipper - I was around when we invented Ship Day. I was a tad doubtful after 'Chimera' , but I returned to my shippy self after 'Threads'. Because they are SO meant to be together, and if they don't end up that way, then the only other alternative way to end the show is to have the Goa'uld destroy earth! (Count me on on the Vala/Danny train too!)
And last, but most certainly not least, I'd like to mention Beth. If it weren't for her very awesome website, 'Dedicated to Stargate SG-1', I might never have gotten into fanfiction, so I would like very much to say a long overdue thank you to her.