Author has written 1 story for Yu-Gi-Oh. Well, it's been some time, hasn't it? As there have been some changes, we posted this little update here. First, The War Within has been removed. It is going to be rewritten, finished, and reposted. We hope to begin reposting in January. It will be rated "M", so please adjust any author alert restrictions accordingly. The "M" rating will be more for violence and implied sexuality than anything overt. We're putting it that way for the sake of safety. There are other fanfics we will be posting here at some point. Here is a brief glimpse into what we have planned. All titles are working titles until we actually post something. Digimon Visit: Daisuke's a little shaky after finding out the Kaiser is his hero, Ichijouji Ken. A little visit from Yamato might be just what the doctor ordered. Daisuke and Yamato friendship. War Within: Ken, Miyako, Iori, Hikari, and Takeru are dead. Daisuke has the mind of a child. Now the real war begins. Ken/Daisuke, other pairings. Yu-Gi-Oh Hiding The Claws: Otogi Ryuuji didn't know that Bakura Ryou knew so much about the Millennium Items...there's a lot about him that he doesn't know... Hiding The Claws will probably be the next thing we post, and after that, we'll get into War Within. Who knows, there might even be other things that show up eventually. We'll see, won't we? |