Author has written 1 story for Titanic. Hi there! Welcome to my profile! :) Feel free to PM me about anything concerning my story. Have a question about the plot, characters, an idea, or notice a grammatical error on my part? Feel free to let me know!! 12/26/17: I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and has a wonderful new year! I am still alive believe it or not. I am struggling to find motivation to write Wish Upon a Star because I wrote the story as I went along, and I am not sure where younger-me planned to take the story. I promise I will finish it someday even if it takes years (which it already is...heh) but I would like to say that I am very thankful to everyone who has read my story and encourages me to keep writing. I still gush at every review I receive, and it makes me feel guilty when I still haven't finished this story when it is almost complete. Thank you for your kind words and for sticking in there with me all these years. You genuinely mean the world to me, and I promise this story will have a conclusion someday! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Titanic. The characters and original story line belong to their rightful owners. Also, I do not own the main picture used for my profile pic. I edited it to fit my profile. The original picture came from this website: http:///imgres?hl=en&sa=X&biw=1366&bih=616&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=O0xs54WACybYDM:&imgrefurl=http:///titanic-3d-footage-recap/123205/&docid=9sP6Y63uPCGcbM&imgurl=http:///wp-content/uploads/Titanic-movie-poster.jpeg&w=356&h=514&ei=L5f6TqWqJ8SnsALb8PmZAQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=68&sig=105876679599324563781&page=1&tbnh=123&tbnw=100&start=0&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0&tx=47&ty=38 Fandom I Write For Titanic Fandoms I Read Fanfiction From Titanic (Jack X Rose) Uncharted (Nate X Elena) Orange is the New Black (Vauseman) Kingdom Hearts (Sokai) American Horror Story--Specifically Season 1 (Violate) The Hunger Games Trilogy By: Suzanne Collins (Everlark) The Last of Us My Story: Wish Upon a Star- (Multichapter fanfic): Chapter 13: 10% (Trying to figure out the coherent plot of the story) |
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