The dark lord of life
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Joined 10-20-11, id: 3357601, Profile Updated: 09-05-12
Author has written 1 story for Fifty Shades Trilogy.

Recent studies show that 92 percent of teenagers have moved on to rap. If you're part of the 8 percent that hasn't, put this in your profile.

If you have embarrassing memories that make you want to smack yourself/ someone else, copy this into your profile.

If you believe that Naruto and Hinata are the greatest pairing, copy and paste this into your profile and add your name to the list: SilentSinger948, Leaf Ranger, Thymistacles , Tenshi Namikaze, Arashigan16, An Udar,NicoStalker11499,The dark lord of life

If you actually wouldn't mind school if it was Naruto-related, copy and paste this to your profile and add your name here: Moonlight Music Mistress, Xanie,NejiTenfanforever, Death Note Lover, NarutoLuver35, FDS-Sasuke-fangirl, SilentSinger948, Leaf Ranger, Arashigan16, An Udar, NicoStalker11499,The dark lord of life

98 percent of teenagers have tried marijuana. If you are part of the 2 percent that hasn't, copy and paste this onto your profile. (I'm proud of this fact about myself)

97% of teens would cry if they saw Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen from Twilight) standing on top of a skyscraper, about to jump. If you're one of the 3% who would sit there eating popcorn screaming "DO A FLIP, YOU SPARKLY FAGGOT!" then copy and paste!

95% of the teenage girls will cry if Bella Swan was at the edge of a cliff ready to jump.

Put this on your profile if you will be from the 5% who will yell "Jump Bitch!!!JUMP!!!"

"The only Reason Edward can't read Bella's mind is that she doesn't have one." - Fanfic author: DeathNoteMaker

If you absolutely cannot stand the mere thought of Naruto and Sakura as a couple, copy and paste this into your profile.


1. Naruto and Sakura are both to loud and don't balance each other out.

2. Most people only like them because they look good together. (The so do not in my opinion)

3. If Sasuke came back to the village Sakura would go directly to him and drop Naruto.

4. Sakura always hit Naruto and never gave him the time of day.

never comforted him like Hinata did, or give him courage...Like Hinata. (GO HINATA)

6. Sakura is to violent.


8. Sakura is still in love with Sasuke because she came crying to Naruto to bring him back because she was a little weak pink genin.

9. Sakura only shows admiration for Naruto because he grew taller and became more hot. If he didn't Sakura still wouldn't like him because she only goes after the good looking guys. (Bitch)



If you agree post it on your profile

Fanfiction is what literature might look like if it were reinvented from scratch after a nuclear apocalypse by a band of brilliant pop-culture junkies trapped in a sealed bunker. They don't do it for money. That's not what it's about. The writers write it and put it up online just for the satisfaction. They're fans, but they're not silent, couchbound consumers of media. The culture talks to them, and they talk back to the culture in its own language.

—Lev Grossman, TIME, July 18, 2011

In case you needed further proof that the human race is doomed through stupidity, here are some actual labels on consumer goods:
On Sears hair dryer: Do not use while sleeping.
On a bag of Fritos: You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside.
On a bar of Dial soap: Directions: Use like regular soap.
On some Swanson frozen dinners: Serving suggestions: Defrost.
Printed on the bottom of Tesco Tiramisu dessert: Do not turn upside down.
On Marks and Spencer Bread Pudding: Product will be hot after heating.
On packaging for a Rowenta iron: Do not iron clothes on body.
On Boot's Children's Cough Medicine: Do not drive a car or operate machinery after taking this medication.
On Nytol Sleep Aid: Warning: May cause drowsiness.
On most brands of Christmas lights: For indoor or outdoor use only.
On an American Airlines packet of nuts: Instructions: open packet, eat nuts.
On a child's Superman costume: Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly.
On a Swedish chain saw: Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals.
On a toboggan: Beware: Sledge may develop high speed under certain snow conditions.
On a knife sharpener: Caution: knives are sharp.
On a box of aspirin: Do not take if allergic to aspirin.
On a bottle of laundry detergent: Remove clothing before distributing in washing machine.
On a muffin packet: Remove wrapper, open mouth, insert muffin, eat.
On a mattress: Do not attempt to swallow.

Stephen Wright: If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?
Spike Milligan: I have the body of an eighteen year-old. I keep it in the fridge.

Winston Churchill: Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.

Ellen DeGeneres: My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is.
Unknown: "When life gives you lemons, make applesauce. Then sit back, relax, and watch as everyone tries to figure out how the hell you did that."
Albert Einstein: "Only the Universe and human stupidity are infinite - and I'm not so sure about the former ..."
Dr. Seuss: "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind."
Napoleon Bonaparte: "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

The dinosaurs' extinction wasn't an accident. Barney came and they all committed suicide.
When your dad is mad and asks you, “Do I look stupid?” Don’t answer him
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, if well aimed.
Boys are like trees - they take 50 years to grow up.
Is it time for your medication or mine?
Oh, I'm so sorry! I forgot that you're an idiot!
A stranger stabs you in the front; a friend stabs you in the back; a boyfriend stabs you in the heart, but best friends grab those knives and stab those bastards back for you.
To put it nicely, I hope you choke
It's you and me versus the world...we attack at dawn.
You don't have to be faster than the bear, you just have to be faster than the slowest guy running from the bear.
God created man before woman because every masterpiece needs a rough draft.
MENtal pain, MENtal anxiety, MENstrual cramps, MENopause... all our problems start with men!
Even if the voices aren't real, they have some good ideas.
Stupidity killed the cat. Curiosity was framed.
I'm an angel, honest! The horns are just there to keep the halo straight.
It's tourist season, so why can't I shoot them?
Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over.
Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.
Write like no one is gonna read your words.
BE YOURSELF. It's hard to be someone else anyway.
Even before you say sorry (volunteer or otherwise), think about how you would feel in their shoes. THEN you can properly say sorry
Ever remember the quote "If you believe, you can do it!" Gah! Why is it that no matter how I believe I CAN'T FLY!?
The pen may be mightier, but the sword still hurts like hell.
There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved by a suitable application of high explosives.
I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by.
"I think, therefore I get a headache."
"I smile because I have no idea what's going on."
"I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it."
"Death is life's way of telling you you're fired."
God put me on this Earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now, I am so far behind I will never die.
You know what! Earth sucks, I’m going home!
Just when I think you've said the stupidest thing ever you keep on talking
"What is this 'kindness' you speak of?"
Normal people scare me...but not as much as I scare them!
"Somehow, in some way that was all your fault."
Retreating! Hell no, we're just attacking the other direction!
Organized people are just too lazy to look for things.


1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE.
"If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished

2. My mother taught me RELIGION.
"You better pray that will come out of the carpet."

3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of
next week!"

4. My mother taught me LOGIC.
"Because I said so, that's why."

5. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC.
"If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the
store with me."

6. My mother taught me FORESIGHT.
"Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident."

7. My mother taught t me IRONY.
"Keep crying and I'll give you something to cry about."

8. My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS.
"Shut your mouth and eat your supper."

9. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM.
"Will you look at that dirt on the back of your neck?"

10. My mother taught me about STAMINA.
"You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone."

11. My mother taught me about WEATHER.
"This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it."

12. My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY.
"If I told you once, I've told you a million times. Don't exaggerate!"

13. My mother taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE.
"I brought you into this world, and I can take you out."

14. My mother taught me about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION.
"Stop acting like your father!"

15. My mother taught me about ENVY.
"There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't
have wonderful parents like you do."

16. My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION.
"Just wait until we get home."

17. My mother taught me about RECEIVING.
"You are going to get it when you get home!"

18. My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE.
"If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to freeze that

19. My mother taught me ESP.
"Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you are cold?"

20. My mother taught me HUMOR.
"When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don’t come running to me."

21. My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT.
"If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up."

22. My mother taught me GENETICS.
"You're just like your father."

23. My mother taught me about my ROOTS.
"Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a barn?"

24. My mother taught me WISDOM.
"When you get to be my age, you'll understand."

25. My mother taught me about JUSTICE.
"One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you!"

What does not kill me will only make me stronger.

Stupidity killed the cat. Curiosity was framed.
There are 3 kinds of people, those who learn by reading, a few who learn from observation and the rest who have to test the electric fence for themselves.

"And I have sometimes wondered, in the silence of the night, if it was knowledge of the dark without that scared me, or the dark within."

I am that girl,
The one who likes book more than boys.
The one who pretends not to be sad, just to make others happy
The one who always wonders what she did wrong
The one who writes to escape
The one who just wants to help
The one that really wants to make a difference
The one that sticks to her values
The one that refuses to believe that this is it
The one that will do anything to make a better tomorrow
The one who won't give in
The one won't give up
-by linguisticsrock, Copy and Paste if you can relate to this.

Excuse me. Have you seen my sanity? I think I've lost it...

“I am the boy who never finished high school, because I got called a fag every day.

I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian.

I am the guy that lives on the streets because I am scared to go home.

I am the prostitute working the streets because I can't find anybody who will hire a transsexual woman.

I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights.

We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.

I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my partner of twenty-seven years into the room.

I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had.

I am the Christian that can’t find a pastor to marry me to a woman in the eyes of God.

I am one of the lucky ones I guess, who survived the attack that left me in a coma for three weeks, and in another year will probably be able to walk again.

I am not one of the lucky ones, I killed myself just weeks before graduating.

I am the child that dreams of seeing my mum again, but the courts won’t let me because she lives with another woman.

I am the man who fears that I will never be able to be myself, to be free of this secret because I won’t risk loosing my family and friends.

We are the couple who had the realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men.

I am the person who never knows which bathroom I should use if I want to avoid getting the management called on me.

I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed, and raised, because the court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman.

I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman.

I am the brother that gets called a fag just because my brother isn’t ashamed of who he is.

I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men.

I am the girl that was raped behind my school because some stranger wanted to teach me to be a “real woman”.

I am the home-economics teacher who always wanted to teach gym until someone told me that only lesbians do that.

I am the guy down the street that can’t get a disability pension because my partner is a man.

I am the woman who died when the paramedics stopped treating me because they found out I didn't have a female body.

I am the man that is afraid of losing his job, for expressing his true identity.

I am the mother that sees my son come home from school every day in tears because the other kids call him a girl.

I am the celebrity that wishes I could tell the world who I am, but I'm too scared.

I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male.

I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I didn’t have to always deal with society hating me.

I am the man who stopped attending church, not because I don’t believe, but because they closed their doors to my kind.

I am the Youth Worker that sees hundreds of kids thrown out of home because they were honest with their families.

I am the girl that struggles to get up in the morning because school is so cruel to me.

I am the footballer scared to come out because I might lose my contract.

I am the boy that always wanted a Barbie, but no one would let me have one.

I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most: love.

I am the woman that wants to join the army, but my family wont let me because I would look like a dyke.

I am the person ashamed to tell my own friends I’m a lesbian, because they constantly make fun of them.

I am the boy tied to a fence, beaten to a bloody pulp and left to die because two straight men wanted to “teach me a lesson”.

I am the bisexual whose friends don't want her to go to a movie with them because there'll be a homophobe there, and they don't want him to get mad at them for inviting me.

I am the girl who can't hang out with girls because they assume that if I'm nice to them I have a crush on them.

I am the teenager who doesn't tell my mother the truth in fear she'll tell my homophobic father.

I am the bisexual who does not tell her parents for fear of being shunned for what I am.

I am the woman now 50 who vowed at 13 never to hide the fact I am bisexual.

I am the woman who learned the true meaning of love and commitment from a couple together for more than 40 years, both of whom I called Uncle.

I am the man who lost his family, because my mother's devotion to her religion was stronger than her maternal love for her son.

I am a woman who lost her family, because they simply couldn't accept, that I am bisexual and I have as the same rights to be happy as everyone has.

I am the gay teenager whose zealot parents yanked him out of public school and threw him into an academically inferior fundamentalist religious school in an attempt to un-gay him.

I am a woman who lost her virginity because her best friends decided for her that she had to be with a man before she can decide she's gay, so they drugged her one night and set her up with two guys.

I am the gay kid whose mother won't accept his sexuality.

I am the transsexual woman who doesn't think transsexuals are just fodder for comedy.

I am the gay man whose parents disowned me for being gay and then refused to come to my funeral when I died of AIDS.

I am the girl who tried to kill herself more times than she can count because it was easier than telling her father his son was a lesbian.

I am the girl who's fine with two women being in love.

We are the parents who will love our boys no matter who they choose to love when they grow up.

I am the boy whose friend committed suicide at 14 because he was harassed at school and called a fag.

I am the child told to never come back home,ever, because I made the mistake of trusting in the love of my parents.

I am the mother that has no issue with my son wanting the "girl" toy in his Happy Meal instead of the "boy" toy.

I am the bisexual girl who has to watch her mum bow her head, close her eyes, fold her hands and pray for her soul every time she say another girl is pretty or that maybe she doesn't want to marry a man.

I am the woman who married a man because that's what I was "supposed to do" even though I really wanted to marry a woman.

I am the father of a gay woman, and I *DO* accept her sexuality and I also accept her wife as my daughter-in-law.

I am the girl who supports gay marriage even when her religion is against it, because God supports love.

I am the woman who wants nothing more than to marry the woman of her dreams because deep down inside, I have always wanted a wife.

I am the man who wanted to join the military but whose honour prevented him from lying about who he loves.

I am the girl who, when supporting homosexuals, was asked if she was bisexual or lesbian and when the answer was no, the other person was surprised.

I am the man whose parents had abused because I could not be the daughter they always wanted.

I was the boy who was told I couldn't sing because "real men don't perform in musicals and choirs”.

I am the bisexual single mother who hopes for a better, more accepting future for my son.

I am the straight woman who will accept all my fellow humans for what and who they are because I would like them to do the same for me, and who also believes that equal rights under the law apply to EVERYONE.

I am the openly lesbian mother who helplessly watched all 3 of her daughters get ridiculed for having lesbian mothers, whose friends were never allowed to sleep over, who were never invited for sleepovers with those brave enough to be their friends.

I am the man whose nephew tells me he doesn't care what any one says about me, he will love me no matter what.

I am the lesbian who stands tall knowing I answer to no one but Jesus.

I am a soldier that loves his country enough to lay down his life to defend it, even if my country does not want me

I am the minister who happily performs commitment ceremonies for gay couples, and fights by their side for their right to make it legal.

I am the man who willingly became the target of hate so that I could be the one voice and one set of ears listening to the would-be suicides who had nowhere else to turn.

I am the girl frustrated because I want see my best friend get married one day to the man he loves.

I am the bisexual who is told by both straights and gays that I need to get off the fence and make up my mind.

I am a woman that can't sit freely in your church beside her wife without fear of community backlash on her family.

I am the mother whose children were told by their church and society that I was trying to turn them gay, when I was just trying to raise open-minded boys who could enjoy all things, including dancing, singing, and drama.

I am the lesbian that was demoted and had my hours cut because my boss said my lesbian tattoo is an advertisement that I am gay and that it is "disrespectful".

I am the gay boy part of a true Christian family that knows love crosses far more than the physical form and that love is just that: love.

I am the daughter who argues with her mother on a regular basis about my children's right to choose their own partner, regardless of gender.

I am the school administrator that is fighting to make my school a safe environment for ALL so that everyone feels loved and supported for who they are.

I am the girl who is proud of my baby sister for being unafraid to be her true self.

I am the straight woman who will stand by her Transgender spouse, who will walk in the Gay Pride parade with her GLBT friends, who will return the love and support that the GLBT community has given to her.

I am the man confined to a wheelchair, unable to walk or even feed myself, because of the injuries I suffered at the hands of a group of homophobes.

I am the woman who will never stop fighting against discrimination, not because I'm discriminated against, but because it is WRONG.

I am the young gay girl who is part of a messed up world, who stands up for EQUALITY of all.

I am the gay girl who cries at night, who fakes a smile, who was yelled at for being honest.

I am the country girl who fled her home for the city the moment she graduated and misses home so much, but is too terrified to go back.

I am the girl who has to walk down the hallway every day and pretend to be someone she's not.

I am the mother whose bisexual son would be 33 years old now if he had not committed suicide when he was 17 after a bashing based on his sexual orientation.

I am the perfect little christian daughter who can't tell her parents that she's bi.

I am the girl who can't tell her siblings she's bi because even when it was just rumors they looked at her with disapproval.

I am the friend of two gays, who just wants her friends to not be hated for loving someone of their own gender. Who had to stand next to one of her friends hospital bed because he was beaten for being gay.

We are all around you.

We are the millions that want the hate to end”

If you believe that homophobia is WRONG, feel free to reblog this.

My name is Chris I am three, My eyes are swollen I cannot see, I must be stupid I must be bad,
What else could have made My daddy so mad? I wish I were better I wish I weren’t ugly,
Then maybe my mommy Would still want to hug me. I can’t do a wrong I can’t speak at all
Or else I’m locked up All day long. When I’m awake I’m all alone The house is dark
My folks aren’t home When my mommy does come home I’ll try and be nice,
So maybe I’ll just get One whipping tonight. I just heard a car My daddy is back From Charlies bar
I hear him curse My name is called I press myself Against the wall I try to hide From his evil eyes
I’m so afraid now I’m starting to cry He finds me weeping Calls me ugly words, He says its my fault
He suffers at work He slaps and hits me And yells at me more, I finally get free And run to the door
He’s already locked it And I start to bawl, He takes me and throws me Against the hard wall
I fall to the floor With my bones nearly broken, And my daddy continues With more bad words spoken,
‘I’m sorry!’, I scream But its now much to late His face has been twisted Into a unimaginable shape
The hurt and the pain Again and again O please God, have mercy! O please let it end! And he finally stops
And heads for the door While I lay there motionless Sprawled on the floor
My name is Chris I am three, Tonight my daddy Murdered me
And you can help This sickens me to the soul,
And if you read this and don’t pass it on I pray for your forgiveness Because you would have to be One heartless person To not be affected By this Poem And because you are affected,
Do something about it!

I don't understand how someone could be so apathetic as to neglect a child, so cruel as to beat a child, and/or so sick as to inappropriately touch a child. Children are to be cherished, raised and nurtured to be the best they can be. Re-post if you're against child abuse.

Facts about Child Abuse and How to Help
Children ages 0-3 are the most likely to experience abuse. About 1 in 50 U.S. infants are victims of nonfatal child abuse or neglect in a year, according to the first national study of the problem in that age group done by the CDC along with The Federal Administration for Children and Families.1,500 children die every year from child abuse and neglect. That is just over 4 fatalities every day.79% of the children killed are younger than 4.
Major forms of child abuse

Physical abuse- Any non-accidental injury to a child. This includes hitting, kicking, slapping, shaking, burning, pinching, hair pulling, biting, choking, throwing, shoving, whipping, and paddling.

Sexual abuse- Any sexual act between an adult and child. This includes fondling, penetration, intercourse, exploitation, pornography, exhibitionism, child prostitution, group sex, oral sex, or forced observation of sexual acts.

Neglect- Failure to provide for a child's physical needs. This includes lack of supervision, inappropriate housing or shelter, inadequate provision of food, inappropriate clothing for season or weather, abandonment, denial of medical care, and inadequate hygiene.

Emotional abuse - Any attitude or behavior which interferes with a child's mental health or social development. This includes yelling, screaming, name-calling, shaming, negative comparisons to others, telling them they are "bad, no good, worthless" or "a mistake". It also includes the failure to provide the affection and support necessary for the development of a child's emotional, social, physical and intellectual well-being. This includes ignoring, lack of appropriate physical affection (hugs), not saying "I love you", withdrawal of attention, lack of praise, and lack of positive reinforcement.

In Remembrance...
…In Remembrance to Severus Snape….
….A Slytherin who died like a Gryffindor…
...without all the red and gold crap.
…In Remembrance to Fred Weasley…
…Who fought bravely to the very end….
…And whose jokes will forever brighten his other half…
…And will loyally await his soul mate and brother…
… with many jokes…
...he's got forever to think of them, right?
…In Remembrance to Dobby…
…Who was more free and full of love…
...than any elf, and most humans.
….In Remembrance to Remus J. Lupin….
...the last real Marauderer...
…who was not just a wonderful father…
….a incredible husband and brave hero… well as a freakin' awesome werewolf.
….In Remembrance to Nymphadora Tonks…
…who died for ‘the greater good’…
...and would probably hex me for calling her Nymphadora.
…In Remembrance of Alastor ‘Mad-Eye’ Moody….
…who’s motto ‘constant vigilance’ kept him alive…
...and scared the crap out of some kids too.

In Remembrance of Albus Dumbledore…
…whose past and wisdom confused us…
…whose seeming betrayal shocked us…
…but actually who turned out to be an okay guy in the end...
...despite the whole 'almost killing Harry' thing.
...In Remembrance to Bellatrix Lestrange…
… because it’s was awesome how Molly slapped her with that Avada Kedavra!
...She deserved everything she got and more.
…In Remembrance of Colin Creevey…
…who we really didn’t know too well…
…but took a lot of pictures and died fighting in a war…
…so he must’ve done something good…
…besides stalking Harry.
…In Remembrance of Hedwig…
...Harry actual first friend…
...who lived and died soaring.

We found courage with Neville, we laughed with Fred and George, we were unique with Luna, we learned from Hermione, we found confidence with Ron, and we stuck until the end with Harry. Spread the word. We are the Harry Potter Generation.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

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Foursomez Are Hott by I've stopped writing reviews
Don't you agree? Annabeth said that she was hot and Thalia took it the other way, you didn't see Annabeth complaining. Now she was in her boyfriends' cabin w/ some friends and with him shoved down her throat, oh no, she definitely wasn't complaining...
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,139 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 25 - Follows: 17 - Published: 1/27/2012 - Complete
Things That Go Squish In The Night by FreudTastic reviews
A mysterious man gives three of the Straw Hat crew's members an unexpected... 'visit'. WARNING: Contains BDSM, Bondage, Humilation, and RAPE! Don't like, don't read!
One Piece - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Crime - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,035 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 33 - Published: 12/1/2011
Hidden Feelings by SunsetSovereign reviews
Robin and Zoro realize feelings they have for each other. Can they handel what they find out or will the passion be too much to bare? Warning!: If you're not up to date with the manga, there will be spoiler around chapter 3.
One Piece - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 19 - Words: 18,286 - Reviews: 54 - Favs: 144 - Follows: 52 - Updated: 11/19/2011 - Published: 4/4/2011 - Robin, Zoro - Complete
Light My Fire by fembuck reviews
Clarisse takes Annabeth to her secret hideaway and the girls get to know each other a bit better. Sequel to "Turnabout is Fair Play". Annabeth/Clairsse, femslash
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,957 - Reviews: 41 - Favs: 266 - Follows: 65 - Published: 4/8/2010 - Annabeth C., Clarisse R. - Complete
Turnabout is Fair Play by fembuck reviews
A sparing match between Annabeth and Clarisse gets out of hand and leads them to a place that neither expected. femslash, Annabeth/Clarisse
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,848 - Reviews: 50 - Favs: 344 - Follows: 87 - Published: 3/17/2010 - Annabeth C., Clarisse R. - Complete
Cum and get it reviews
WARNING-A FULL PLATE OF LEMONS please no flames incompleate first story
Fifty Shades Trilogy - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 610 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 15 - Published: 7/15/2012 - Christian G., Anastasia S.