Author has written 30 stories for StarTrek: Voyager.
A fan of Trek since the first run of the original series. I first started to write to make sense of the fact that the J/P friendship survived so well after the events of Thirty Days.
For me, Thirty Days is a pivotal episode for Tom Paris's growth as a character in the series. He risked everything that he had worked so hard for on Voyager in order to follow up on his belief in what was right. Whether you agree with his actions or not, is not the point. He acted out of principle with no thought or possibility of personal gain. In doing so, he (re?)discovered his sense of honor.
My set of season 5/6 stories begins with the events of Thirty Days and ends with Tom's reinstatement as lieutenant. The stories are stand-alone stories. However the following themes weave through the series as a whole.
- the state of the J/P friendship during these two years
- Tom's personal development after recovering his honor - beginning with an almost light hearted sense of release to an eventual more mature self-knowledge - all without losing the qualities that make his character fun to write.
- the state of the P/T relationship during this period
- an acknowledgement of the difficulties that developed in the J/C relationship, hopefully in a way that maintains the integrity of the characters and the underlying bond that is taken up again in the post series books.
-one of the stories, Admiral, Father, Dad, also led me to explore Tom's relationship with his father.
For readers who wish to read the 5/6 season series in order, this is a chronological list.
These are J/P friendship stories. Tom's romantic relationship is with B'Elanna. I noted stories where the P/T pairing is a strong element in the story.
The Complete 5/6 Series
1. Matters of Discipline
1a. Lost Days
2. The Next Morning (ch. 1 is also P/T)
3. Healing Others
4. Dreams, Souvenirs
5. Shepherd in the Darkness
6. The Captain's Web
7. Thinking Outside the Box (revised April 2017)
8. Heroes on Ordinary Days (revised May 2017)
9. Lessons Learned from Loneliness (P/T scenes and also important J/C scenes)
10. Alice doesn't Live Here (also very P/T)
11. Admiral, Father, Dad (mainly Tom and his father, very much P/T, little J/P)
12a. A Behind the scenes Look at the Making of Fair Haven - ch. 1 (includes P/T) and ch. 2
13. Violations of the Mind (strongly P/T, with an important step in their relationship)
12b. A Behind the Scenes Look at the Making of Fair Haven - ch. 3 (P/T with some interesting J/C developments. Ch. 3 takes place after the events in Violations)
14. A Lieutenant's Pip: You're Late
15. A Lieutenant's Pip: Resolution (P/T)
Other stories, usually written in response to VAMB challenges
J/P friendship stories
The Captain and the Queen
Walking Shadows
A Lieutenant's Pip: Redemption (early days, with many of the crew)
P/T stories
The Afternoon of the Day (Miral)
Ties That Bind (P,T,K)
The Lost Art of Hyperbole (P/T,K)
Ripples on the Water (T,P also T,C)
J/C stories
Safety Valve
Home is Where the Heart Is
Birthday Q-Aches (mainly J/Q, but J/C is a strong element)
Tom and his father stories
Falling Through the Cracks - pre-Voyager
Talk to Tom, along with the 5/6 story, Admiral, Father, Dad, is a Pathfinder story
A Lieutenant's Pip: The Beginning - pre-Voyager
The Pip series: Three times Tom didn't celebrate his lieutenant pip and one time that he did.
A Lieutenant's Pip: The Beginning
A Lieutenant's Pip: Redemption
A Lieutenant's Pip: You're Late
A Lieutenant's Pip: Resolution
I'd like to renew my thank you to those who review stories. I appreciate the time you take to let me know how you reacted, what you thought. It is a special delight to find a new review for a story that has been up for a while. So often there is a brief flurry of reviews soon after a story is posted, and then silence. It is so nice to know that the stories are still being read and enjoyed.