Author has written 1 story for Gilmore Girls. Hi everybody! (your que to say 'Hi Samantha and Seehoo!') Nothing.Sad, they don't even talk to us! Uh, I shall swoon! Sorry, that's the Southern Belle in me. Ha! Uh...Seehoo! Stop chasing those turkeys and get over here! I'm losing them! Whoo, trying to capture turkeys really makes you lose your breath! Hi, I'm Seehoo. *points to herself* This is Samantha. *points to other girl, who kinda waves, and then swoons* Uh, you'll have to ignore her. She does that a lot. She'll pop up in a few seconds. Meanwhile, you should read our brand-new...well, only...story Samantha pops up from where she swooned* Don't worry, it's great! It's a total Literati, because we all love Jess. Oh, boy do we love Jess! Seehoo, stop drooling. It's also a Java Junkie cause...well, basically because more people like Java Junkies then they like Lorelai/Christopher, as shown by my very sad story, "Always You." It is very sad and lonely. It needs reviews, people. People, people, review, review, review! Samantha, stop plugging your story. Sorry. *blushes* That's okay. Our story will knock your socks off! Unless you're not wearing socks, in which case-- Hold on to your feet! Sorry, I need more caffiene. I think we both do. throw arms over each other's shoulders to steady themselves and walk to Luke's for coffee* You know what just hit me Samantha? A turkey? Other than that. Oh. I just realized that not only is this going to be my first joint-story, it's going to be my first story EVER! claps* Debut for Seehoo! You're mocking me, aren't you? Not anymore. Anywho, keep reading our fabulous story. A new chapter will be posted as soon as we get our acts together and write. You can't miss it; it has a great summary. Yup. And the title's funny. Yeah. It's "The Cat Came Back." Bet you wanna know what that means. Well, we're not gonna tell you yet!! HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!! HeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHe!! HoHoHo--Samantha, is that a sponge in your hand? I was . . . no, it's . . . um . . . You were going to bathe the turkeys withought me?! *turns to her corner* Ugh, fine. You get the bubble bath, I'll call Kirk. Yeah, he likes to do this too. |