Author has written 4 stories for Dragon Ball Z, and Inuyasha. Here it goes, my first bio. Never liked the damn thing much. I am a 17 year old guy. I started off as a DBZ writer, until I discovered Inuyasha, and now I don't write anything else. I have three stories with another two, possibly, in the future, all Inuyasha. I really need a life, but I can't help it, THAT SHOW ROCKS! All who agree, give me a hell yeah! WHOA!!(is thrown back from volume of screams) Okay!Additional notes: In addition, I have an account on under the pen name Kaze No Baka. I have three poems. 1. Waiting- a poem I wrote about an ex-girlfriend. Sap to the max. I update somewhat infrequently but I try not to leave people hanging. The most you'll have to wait is a couple of weeks. |