Akio Dobekos
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Joined 01-10-03, id: 323391, Profile Updated: 07-12-08
Author has written 1 story for Sonic the Hedgehog.

A profile? OK then...let's give this a shot.

~~Physical Profile~~

Pen name: Akio...

Age: Nah. It changes too often anyway.

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: Let's say unknown. I like privacy.

Place of Birth: Ontario, Canada

Current Residence: Oregon, United States of America

Date of Death: January 26, 2143 (predicted)

Place of Death: Oregon, Mexico (predicted)

Physical Description: You're joking. Like I'm really going to describe myself.

~~Personality Profile~~

Well, I like practically every Anime in existence, as well as Video Games, Manga, Writing, and lots of other Fantasy (Yes, I know I capitalized those things. They deserve it.) Wait, what? What do you mean, that isn't a personality profile? Yeah, well, I'll do what I want, THANKYOUVERYMUCH.

~~Emotional Profile~~

Eccentrionoso au grotesque. Do I know what that means and/or what language that's in? Nope. I assume it has something to do with eccentricity, but you never know.

~~Mental Profile~~

See above. In an odd kind of way, I actually like being me. So ha.

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