Author has written 5 stories for Sgt. Frog/ケロロ軍曹, Twilight, Warriors, and Glee. NOTE: I HAVE SWITCHED MY ACCOUNT AND AM NO LONGER USING THIS ONE. MY NEW ACCOUNT IS GiroGirl723. Hi. I'm GiroNatsu4ever. Call me GiroNatsu, Natsu, or just G.N. As is probably obvious, I LOVE GiroNatsu partially because of the unlikely pairing, partially because of the fact that Giroro fell in love with Natsumi after she PUNCHED him out of a WINDOW, and for an infinite number of other reasons. I will mostly be doing GiroNatsu and other Keroro Gunso fanfic, although I also do some Eragon stuff. Speaking of which... I have a tendency to go through phases when it comes to books, movies, and TV shows. Two weeks ago it was Black Rock Shooter. Last week it was the Pendragon books. This week it's a manga called Fruits Basket. Unless it's Keroro Gunso or Inheritance Cycle fanfiction, don't be expecting more than one or two stories per topic. Don't say I didn't warn you. Constructive criticism is welcome, as anything else. I know a lot of people just pay attentions to the really flattering reviews and the ones that piss them off. Not me. I read every single one of my reviews and respond to as many as I can in the time I'm not at school, taekwondo, or the other things that complicate the life of a grade school girl. XD Also, if you want me to look over one of your fanfictions, just ask. I'm happy to be a beta writer for anything Keroro Gunso as well. Well, that's all I can think of for now. As Sumomo-chan would say: Thanks for your work! *Wink* If you know GiroNatsu beats the flippin' socks off Sabunatsu, copy and paste this onto your profile. Natsumi and Giroro are meant to be together, dang Saburo. Copy and paste this to your profile if you agree. GiroNatsu rocks my socks! Copy and paste this if you totally agree. If you know that GiroNatsu is meant to be, and want to stick cacti in Saburo's eyes, copy and paste this into your profile. List twelve characters from your fandom in no particular order, then answer these questions about them. 1. Keroro 2. Tamama 3. Giroro 4. Kururu 5. Dororo 6. Fuyuki 7. Natsumi 8. Saburo 9. Momoka 10. Koyuki 11. Terara 12. Aki 1) Have you ever read a 6/11 fic? Fuyuki/Terara? No, but it could be interesting. 2) Do you think 4 is hot? How hot? Kururu? NOT ON YOUR LIFE! 3) What would happen if 12 got 8 pregnant? Aki getting Saburo pregnant? How is that even possible? Wouldn't it be the other way around? 4) Can you recall any fics about 9? Momoka? Plenty. 5) Would 2 and 6 make a good couple? Tamama and Fuyuki? HELL NAW. 6) 5/9 or 5/10? Why? Dororo/Momoka or Dororo/Koyuki? Dororo/Koyuki, because they are awesome together and Momoka would never leave Fuyuki. 7) What if 7 walked in on 2 and 12 making out? Natsumi walking in on Tamama and Aki? "What the HELL you BASTARD, GET AWAY FROM MY MOM! 8) Make up a summary for a 3/10 fic. Giroro/Koyuki? Koyuki is going to ask Natsumi out when she realizes Natsumi is not the one, and instead tells Natsumi to ask Giroro out. Giroro is extremely grateful to Koyuki and they become good friends. 9) Is there such a thing as 1/8 fluff? Keroro/Saburo? No, thank GOD. 10) Suggest a title for 7/12 hurt/comfort fic. Natsumi/Aki fic? Natsumi is abandoned by Saburo and is heartbroken, and Aki is very worried about her. After Natsumi admits she likes Giroro, Aki helps her confess and watches Giroro and her daughter get together. 11) Would you consider reading a 3/1 fic? A Giroro/Keroro fic? WHAT THE HECK?! 12) Is there anything on your favorites list about 11? Terara? Hmm... - Adorable - Turned from a dragon the size of South America to a Keronian the size of a cat - Voiced by the person who voiced Pikachu - Humiliated Kururu 13) Think of a title for a 2/4 or a 2/5. A Tamama/Kururu or a Tamama/Dororo? Tamama/Dororo, KERORO IS MINE! 14) If you wrote a song fic about 8, what song would it be? Saburo? King of Anything, because he acts so high and mighty all the time? 15) If you wrote a 1/6/12 fic, what would the warning be? Keroro/Fuyuki/Aki? WAAAH! INCEST! *Runs away* 16) When was the last time you read a fic about 5? Dororo? Yesterday. 17) (1) and (7) are in a happy relationship until (9) runs off with (7). (1), heartbroken, has a hot one-night stand with (11) and a brief unhappy affair with (12), then follows the wise advice of (5) and finds true love with (2). Keroro and Natsumi are in a happy relationship until Momoka runs off with Natsumi. Keroro, heartbroken, has a hot one-night stand with Terara and a brief unhappy affair with Aki, then follows the wise advice of Dororo and finds true love with Tamama. 18) Title/warning for the above fic? Impossible Love WARNING: LOTS OF BI STUFF! 19) (5), (4), (7), (1), and (3) are playing Truth or Dare. (5) asks (7), and (7) says truth. (5) asks who (7) loves, and (7) confessed their true love with (4). (4) does not share the feeling, and is in fact in a secret relationship with (3). (7) is heartbroken, and seeks comfort in (1) while (3) and (4) run into the sunset together. However, (5) is secretly in love with (1), and becomes so jealous of (7), who after the comfort of (1) becomes in a relationship with (1), and so (5) decides to murder (7), but is stopped just in time by police officer (10) and is sent to prison, allowing (1) and (7) to continue their relationship. Dororo, Kururu, Natsumi, Keroro, and Giroro are playing truth or dare. Dororo asks Natsumi, and Natsumi says truth. Dororo asks who Natsumi loves, and Natsumi confessed her true love with Kururu. Kururu does not share the feeling, and in fact is in a secret relationship with Giroro. Natsumi is heartbroken, and seeks comfort in Keroro while Giroro and Kururu run into the sunset together. However, Dororo is secretly in love with Keroro, and becomes so jealous of Natsumi, who after the comfort of Keroro becomes in a relationship with Keroro, and so Dororo decides to murder Natsumi, but is stopped just in time by police officer Koyuki and is sent to prison, allowing Keroro and Natsumi to continue their relationship. 20) Title/warning for the above? The Daunting Truth WHAT THE F@%$ IS GOING ON HERE?! |