Author has written 7 stories for Harry Potter. Current Quote(s):"Have you hugged your Potions Master today?" "What would Jesus do...for a Klondike bar?" "Jesus Loves You! (just not that way)" "Homophobia is so gay." "I haven't had this much fun since the last time I ate a lightbulb." Name: MC Fav Authors: J.K. Rowling, Alexander Dumas, George Carlin, Julie Garwood, Brian Jacques, Edgar Allen Poe Fav Actors: Alan Rickman, Hugh Grant, Salma Hayek, Tiffany Vollmer (voice actor) Chris Sabat (voice actor) Fav Movies: Harry Potter Movies, Dogma, Peter Pan, The Lion King, The History of Trunks, Zoolander, Treasure Planet, The Little Mermaid Fav Artists: Akira Toriyama, Hikaru Hayashi, Maggie Bradshaw Favorite HP Character: Severus Snape Favorite DBZ Character: Bulma Favorite YYH Character: Kuabara Favorite Slash Couple: Severus Snape/Harry Potter Well, I've had a long relationship with Fanfiction. I've lost accounts, stories, a social life... But I invariably keep coming back. I've been here under Cosmo, Majin Cosmo, Mr. Padfoot, and now Hogwarts Dropout. Why so many names? *shrugs* Change happens. Preferably when I've soiled my pants. Who knows what I'll stash away in this account? I'm like a little fanfiction squirrel burying a fanfiction nut here...burying a fanfiction nut there... But you can rest assured that you'll find something entertaining, if only for a few moments. I'm not going to be a review Nazi but they are appreciated, and they do encourage me. As for flamers: I so appreciate everyone's point of view that I'm sure I'll regret dismissing yours. Criticism is fine, unitelligent grunts and mispelled insults are not. To all the friends I've met through Fanfiction, thanks for sharing with me your writing, view points, and encouragment. We may all be uniquely wierd, but at least we're all uniquely wierd together. Long Live Fanfiction! |