Author has written 35 stories for Kickin' It, Phineas and Ferb, Het Huis Anubis/House of Anubis, Lemonade Mouth, Total Drama series, Austin & Ally, Degrassi, Big Time Rush, iCarly, Pair of Kings, Hunger Games, A.N.T. Farm, I Didn't Do It, and Shake It Up!.
Everyone! I'm a Beta Reader!
Would you guys please vote on my poll? It would mean so much to me if you did!
I have a Skype account specifically for FanFiction. PM me if you want to add me and we can talk on there!
I'm planning out a little surprise for all of my readers. I don't know when I'll be done, but I hope to be done soon and to announce it to all of you!
Hey! I'm StylishFashionista, but you can call me Camilla. Is that my real name? No. Do I want it to be? Well, I like my real name, but... I'm not actually answering the question here, am I?
I used to be fashionandstylegurl, but then I changed it. I kind of needed to amp up my penname.
I've written for Kickin It, Austin and Ally, Big Time Rush, Phineas and Ferb, A.N.T. Farm, iCarly, House of Anubis, Shake It Up!, I Didn't Do It, Lemonade Mouth, The Hunger Games, Degrassi, Pair of Kings, and Total Drama series. Would I like to add more to the list? Yes.
I've written Romance, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Mystery, Parody, Friendship, Humor, General, Family, Suspense, Tragedy, Angst, and Adventure. Would I like to add more to the list? Yes.
I've liked writing since I was a little girl. My love for writing has only grew since. My dream one day is to be a published novelist. Even though I also like reading books and fanfics, writing will always be my OTP (One True Passion XD). I hate when people got into it just because it's "cool" or they want to be "famous." I find that extremely annoying, especially since I love writing so much.
I originally found FanFiction when I searched up Phineas and Isabella on Google. I absolutely love Phinabella; I mean, what's to hate? :) I saw these written stories and I read them, and I couldn't help but be fascinated by them. I forgot about them, until I searched 'Phineas and Isabella' again on Google one and a half years later. Then, I decided to get an account sometime in August 2011, but I forgot about it and never actually posted something until December 31, 2011. I don't regret it though! :)
My writing style has definitely improved from when I first started here until now. If you compare my first fanfics to my recent ones, I think you can definitely tell the difference. :)
I float between fandom and fandom. I call myself a "floater" for that reason. I read fanfics from different fandoms, and if you couldn't tell from above, I certainly write for different fandoms. I love too many couples and ships; I just want to spread the love. And besides, I don't think anyone knows the true meaning of "multi-fandom" until they met me. XD
I write a lot of oneshots and I try my best to update my current multichaps before starting new ones. Sometimes, however, I do start other multichaps before finishing the ones I started before. I usually have a reason for that, though. I have two ways of writing a multichap. I either write one chapter at a time or I write the whole story at once. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. For the first way, you get slower updates, but the story gets uploaded earlier. For the second way, you get faster updates, but the story gets uploaded later.
I set a review limit for updating for two reasons. One, it helps me manage updating and tells me when I should update and if I have time to write other stories while writing that one. Two, it gives me reassurance that people are actually reading my story. I hope you understand my reasoning.
Everyone has a life outside of FanFiction. I understand if people need time to update, and conversely, I hope people understand that I also need time to update. I really do try to update as often as possible, but with my busy schedule, it's really hard to. I'm appreciative of all of my readers for being so patient with me.
My hobbies are, in no particular order, fashion designing, shopping, writing stories, FanFictions and songs, painting my nails, listening to music, singing and dancing (even though I suck at both of those... XP), playing Pokémon, collecting lip balm, watching Youtube vids and acting. Sometimes I just love pretending that I'm in another world.
It may not seem like it from my penname, but I actually really like sports. I like lacrosse (lax girl for life!), volleyball, skiing, field hockey, tennis, softball, table tennis, badminton, bowling, golf, soccer, and frisbee. I love to watch American football and soccer too.
I'm sweet, outgoing (but shy at a new place), loyal, and energetic. I'm a geekanista (a geek and a fashionista) and I'm totally an all-around dork. I'm also pretty CRAZY!!! I'll also stand up for things that I care about, like my family, my friends (real life and on FanFiction!), and my stories (real or fanfics). I prefer to think that I'm not good at a lot of things, and whenever someone says that something I did was really good or that I'm good at something, I just smile and shake my head (no, I'm not!). People call that modesty and insecurity, but I don't know what to call it. I smile and laugh at lots of things, even an insult (cuz if they're making fun of me, I make it seem like I don't give a crap). I will always be there for someone, whether or not they've been always there for me or not, because I'm very loyal and I don't mind listening to other people's problems (and I also try to give advice as well, though some people are unappreciative of that...). I have opinions and I'm not afraid to state them; however, I want people to listen to my opinions and agree or disagree kindly. I always do that, and I hate it when people don't respect other people's opinions. I'm unique like a snowflake, and I swear, once you get to know me, you'll like it. ;)
Title: Accidental Meeting
Fandom: Pair of Kings
Type of Story: One-shot
Rating: K
Genres: Romance & Humor
Summary: "It wasn't a date. It was an accidental meeting." / Brady and Mikayla attempt to explain how they got together. An AU oneshot!
Major Couples: Brady/Mikayla
Minor Couples: None
Status: Complete
Title: All The Right Moves
Fandom: The Hunger Games
Type of Story: One-shot
Rating: Kt
Genres: Romance & Friendship
Summary: She was a dancer at heart. But being at a new place left her shy and unwilling to share her talent. Maybe a certain baker can bring her out of her shell. Everlark modern AU oneshot
Major Couples: Peeta/Katniss
Minor Couples: Clove/Cato, Enobaria/Brutus
Status: Complete
Title: Appy Days
Fandom: Big Time Rush
Type of Story: One-shot
Rating: Kt
Genres: Romance & Friendship
Summary: You know when you're addicted to an app and you just can't stop playing? Well, Kendall and Logan are addicted to Small Skyscraper, a basically useless app to Jo and Camille, and the guys blame the girls for their recent addiction. Of course, this is when Jo and Camille prove to Kendall and Logan that they really are innocent of causing the addiction. One-shot! AU
Major Couples: Camille/Logan, Jo/Kendall
Minor Couples: None
Status: Complete
Title: Back To Total Drama
Fandom: Total Drama series
Type of Story: Song-fic to Back To December by Taylor Swift
Rating: Kt
Genres: Romance & Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Heather and Duncan feel like they need to apologize to Courtney and Alejandro for everything that happened in TDWT. So, they decide to do it before the reunion show. Song-fic to Back to December by Taylor Swift!
Major Couples: Heather/Alejandro, Courtney/Duncan
Minor Couples: None
Status: Complete
Title: Coincidence?
Fandom: A.N.T. Farm
Type of Story: One-shot
Rating: K
Genres: Romance & Family
Summary: They never truly spoke, only knowing each other because both of them were in the A.N.T. program. But one "coincidence" after another that day at the airport changed that. AU-ish oneshot. Third genre-Hurt/Comfort
Major Couples: Fletcher/Olive
Minor Couples: Violet/Angus
Status: Complete
Title: Colored Heart Stones
Fandom: House of Anubis
Type of Story: One-shot
Rating: K
Genres: Romance & Mystery
Summary: Nina has a secret admirer. Now, instead of the regular mystery, she has to solve this love puzzle. Who will be that secret admirer? One-shot.
Major Couples: Fabian/Nina
Minor Couples: Patricia/Eddie
Status: Complete
Title: Demons
Fandom: Phineas and Ferb
Type of Story: Song-fic to Demons by Imagine Dragons
Rating: Kt (tell me if it should change to T!)
Genres: Romance & Tragedy
Summary: It's when you want to let someone in, to be able to love them, but you can't. You're afraid that once they know, they'll run away. / Tragic Phinabella songfic to Demons by Imagine Dragons. Third genre-Angst
Major Couples: Phineas/Isabella
Minor Couples: None
Status: Complete
Title: Denying Love
Fandom: Kickin' It
Type of Story: Multi-chap
Rating: Kt
Genres: Romance & Drama
Summary: Jack and Kim. Everyone sees that they love each other. What if Kim gets a new necklace for her 13th birthday? And what if it can grant 13 wishes? And what about the cute new guy named Scott? Will this be happily ever after? Or will it be Kim's nightmare?
Major Couples: Jack/Kim
Minor Couples: Eddie/Stacy, Jerry/Kelsey, Milton/Julie, Grace/OC (Scott)
Status: Complete
Title: Dull
Fandom: Total Drama series
Type of Story: Drabble (part of Drabble Week 2014)
Rating: K
Genres: Hurt/Comfort & Romance
Summary: "My eyes are just black. Nothing unique, nothing interesting, nothing like that. There isn't even a dash of color in them. They're just black." / Gwen ditches her glasses to get colored contacts, to Trent's dismay. Third genre-Angst. Part of Drabble Week 2014
Major Couples: Gwen/Trent
Minor Couples: None
Status: Complete
Title: Fireside vs Firework
Fandom: Phineas and Ferb
Type of Story: Multi-chap (part of my Phineas and Ferb trilogy!)
Rating: T
Genres: Romance & Drama
Summary: It's back to summer, and Taylor has gotten Phineas and Ferb to join the Firework Boys for the summer. But only one problem: the Firework Boys and the Fireside Girls are mortal enemies. Friendships, romances, and rivalries are tested during the ten weeks. Who will win? Part of my Phineas and Ferb trilogy. Third genre-Adventure
Major Couples: Phineas/Isabella, Ferb/Vanessa, Adyson/Django, Baljeet/Ginger, Irving/Milly
Minor Couples: Buford/OC (Taylor), Eliza/OC (Eric)
Status: Incomplete
Title: Have Faith In Our Stars
Fandom: The Hunger Games
Type of Story: One-shot
Rating: Kt
Genres: Romance & Hurt/Comfort
Summary: "You know, maybe we should have faith in our stars," Peeta smiled. "I mean, we just kissed under them." I nodded and smiled, looking up at the two bright stars. "Have faith in our stars," I said while smiling, determined. / Everlark modern AU oneshot
Major Couples: Katniss/Peeta
Minor Couples: Finnick/Annie, Madge/Gale, Prim/Rory
Status: Complete
Title: Honey
Fandom: The Hunger Games
Type of Story: Drabble (part of Drabble Week 2014)
Rating: K
Genres: Romance & Humor
Summary: Her lips were like honey. / Everlark modern AU. Part of Drabble Week 2014
Major Couples: Peeta/Katniss
Minor Couples: None
Status: Complete
Title: House of Olympus
Fandom: House of Anubis
Type of Story: Multi-chap, SYOC, Collaboration (with slcswimmer14)
Rating: T
Genres: Mystery & Drama
Summary: A voice is haunting me. Jemma's voice. "Once we're in, we can't get out." / 8 teens are together in the House of Olympus. But, when 2 girls uncover a mystery, everyone's lives takes a turn for the unexpected. Will everything turn out the way everyone wants it? Will the mystery break couples and friendships? And will it change everything as we know it? Cowritten by slcswimmer14.
Major Couples: OC/OC (Jemma/Jayden), OC/OC (Madison/Parker), OC/OC (Ebony/Troy), OC/OC (Sabrina/Tony)
Minor Couples: None
Status: Incomplete
Title: Insecurities
Fandom: Total Drama series
Type of Story: Drabble (part of Drabble Week 2014)
Rating: T
Genres: Angst & General
Summary: I am nothing extraordinary. / Heather may seem merciless, soulless, heartless, emotionless, anything negative that you can think of. But, inside, she is just insecure, more insecure than you can imagine. Heather-centric with Aleheather. Part of Drabble Week 2014
Major Couples: Alejandro/Heather
Minor Couples: None
Status: Complete
Title: It's School Already?
Fandom: Phineas and Ferb
Type of Story: Multi-chap (part of my Phineas and Ferb trilogy!)
Rating: Kt
Genres: Romance & Friendship
Summary: Phineas, Ferb, and the rest is bummed when summer's over. But, when a new girl named Taylor comes into the scene, how jealous will Isabella become? Will Taylor and Phineas become an item? And what does their assignments have to do with investigations? Part of my Phineas and Ferb trilogy
Major Couples: Isabella/Phineas
Minor Couples: Ginger/Baljeet, Buford/OC (Taylor), Gretchen/Ferb, Adyson/Django, Irving/Milly
Status: Complete
Title: January 24
Fandom: The Hunger Games
Type of Story: One-shot
Rating: T
Genres: Hurt/Comfort & Drama
Summary: Katniss Everdeen was a strong, independent woman. But after that day, she closed up, only opening up to a certain baker. Everlark modern AU oneshot
Major Couples: Katniss/Peeta
Minor Couples: Gale/Madge, Finnick/Annie, Johanna/OC
Status: Complete
Title: Licious
Fandom: Total Drama series
Type of Story: Drabble (part of Drabble Week 2014)
Rating: Kt
Genres: Romance & Humor
Summary: "Mini-me, I knew one day you would come to me and ask how to win over a guy. So, I am going to tell you all of my techniques on how to get a guy. Follow them and enjoy." / The first time Sierra saw Cody, she knew that he was the one. So she asked her mom for advice. And this is what she got. One-sided (?) Codierra. AU. Other genres-Parody, Family. Part of Drabble Week 2014
Major Couples: Cody/Sierra
Minor Couples: None
Status: Complete
Title: Loyalty Is Only A Seven Letter Word
Fandom: I Didn't Do It
Type of Story: Multi-chap (part of my I Didn't Do It trilogy!)
Rating: T
Genres: Romance & Suspense
Summary: After a train of unexpected events, Jasmine lives in New York City, and Garrett lives in Gettysburg. Over 200 miles away. But when Jasmine suddenly comes back to Gettysburg, there's nothing that can keep them apart anymore, right? One problem though: Garrett seems to have replaced her. Historical AU-American Civil War. Part of my I Didn't Do It trilogy. Other genres-Hurt/Comfort
Major Couples: Jasmine/Garrett
Minor Couples: Lindy/Logan, Delia/Logan
Status: Incomplete
Title: Meet Up
Fandom: Pair of Kings
Type of Story: One-shot
Rating: Kt
Genres: Romance & Drama
Summary: Brady and Mikayla admit that they like each other before Mikayla moves from Chicago, where Brady lives, to New York City, where her dad wants her to stay. But somehow, they'll always meet up. Follow a year of Brady and Mikayla meet ups. One shot! AU!
Major Couples: Brady/Mikayla
Minor Couples: Boomer/Rebecca, Boz/Tessa
Status: Complete
Title: Miss Miami
Fandom: Austin and Ally
Type of Story: Multi-chap
Rating: T
Genres: Drama & Romance
Summary: Ally's competing for the title of Miss Miami, which is important to her. With the help of Austin, Trish and Dez, she just might win. But winning the crown means one thing; she's going to have to change her current self to a whole new Ally. Is this drastic change going to take a toll on her friendships? Will romances spark along the way? Will anything ever go back to the way it was?
Major Couples: Austin/Ally, Trish/Dez
Minor Couples: Dallas/OC (Macy)
Status: Incomplete
Title: Not So Sweet 16
Fandom: Kickin It
Type of Story: One-shot
Rating: T
Genres: Romance & Drama
Summary: Kim has no family to spend her 16th birthday with. Solution? Make sure that no one figures out that it is her birthday! But as the day progresses, she may actually start to regret that she didn't tell anyone that it was her birthday. A day that was supposed to be fun, was not. / Kick and Jika! One-shot! Rewritten
Major Couples: Jack/Kim, Jerry/Mika
Minor Couples: None
Status: Complete
Title: One Night
Fandom: Total Drama series
Type of Story: One-shot
Rating: Kt
Genres: Romance & Tragedy
Summary: It was against the law to help a fugitive slave. I couldn't let him stay. But I couldn't just leave him in the rain, all battered up. Maybe one night wouldn't hurt me. / Zoey meets a runaway slave one day while walking through the field. A Zoke oneshot! Set during the American Civil War. AU
Major Couples: Mike/Zoey
Minor Couples: None
Status: Complete
Title: Relationship Ec
Fandom: Degrassi
Type of Story: Multi-chap
Rating: T
Genres: Romance & Drama
Summary: English class. The most dramatic class of the school day. Do you know why? It's because Mrs. Dawes decided to change English class to Relationship Ec for a week, where relationship coaching is given. And Eli, the newly single because Imogen dumped him for Fiona, and Clare, the studious girl who has had the biggest crush on Eli since forever, are paired up as a couple. AU!
Major Couples: Eli/Clare
Minor Couples: Adam/Becky, Dave/Alli, Jenna/Luke, Sav/Anya, Declan/Holly J, Riley/Zane, Katie/Jake, Fiona/Imogen
Status: Complete
Title: Splash
Fandom: Degrassi
Type of Story: One-shot
Rating: T
Genres: Romance & Friendship
Summary: Clare and her friends go to a water park after school ends for summer vacation. But they have a tag-along who insults Clare to no end. Who ends up being her support though? A stranger with raven black hair and emerald green eyes. AU oneshot
Major Couples: Eli/Clare
Minor Couples: None
Status: Complete
Title: Stuck In The Subway
Fandom: Degrassi
Type of Story: One-shot
Rating: T
Genres: Romance & Hurt/Comfort
Summary: He's a rockstar. I'm a normal college student. Anything between us will never happen. / Eli and Clare have never met before. They each live a completely different life. Then why has faith brought them together inside a broken subway in DC? One-shot! AU
Major Couples: Eli/Clare
Minor Couples: None
Status: Complete
Title: Take A Hint!
Fandom: Lemonade Mouth
Type of Story: Song-fic to Take a Hint by Victoria Justice and Liz Gillies
Rating: Kt
Genres: Romance & Humor
Summary: Olivia and Mo are the victims of being flirted by Ray and Scott at a karaoke party. They decide it's time for a little bit of revenge. Song-fic to Take a Hint by Victoria Justice and Liz Gillies!
Major Couples: Olivia/Wen, Mo/Charlie
Minor Couples: None
Status: Complete
Title: Teach Me How To Kiss
Fandom: I Didn't Do It!
Type of Story: Drabble (part of Drabble Week 2014)
Rating: Kt
Genres: Romance & Friendship
Summary: "Teach me how to kiss," he said abruptly. My eyes widened. Garrett was asking me to teach him how to kiss? He was out of his mind. / Jarrett. Part of Drabble Week 2014
Major Couples: Jasmine/Garrett
Minor Couples: None
Status: Complete
Title: Total Drama Contestants
Fandom: Total Drama series
Type of Story: Multi-chap, SYOC, Collaboration (with MyFlawsAreFayetal)
Rating: Kt
Genres: Drama and Adventure
Summary: 18 contestants compete in challenges based on older contestants. They're competing for 10,000,000. But with all of the drama, romances, alliances, friendships and rivalries, let's just say the money won't be easy to obtain. Collaboration with MyFlawsAreFayetal.
Major Couples: OC/OC (Marissa/Tye), OC/OC (Alexia/Kyle), OC/OC (Jaques/Jinx), OC/OC (Emma/Johnny)
Minor Couples: None
Status: Incomplete
Title: Trust Is Only A Five Letter Word
Fandom: I Didn't Do It
Type of Story: Multi-chap (part of my I Didn't Do It trilogy!)
Rating: Kt
Genres: Romance & Suspense
Summary: After a train of unexpected events, Jasmine is left homeless, and Garrett's dad ends up being the one taking her in. There are a set of rules, one of them being 'no funny business with my son'. But only one problem: Garrett is darn-right attractive. Jarrett. Historical AU-American Civil War. Part of my I Didn't Do It trilogy. Other genres-Hurt/Comfort, Tragedy
Major Couples: Jasmine/Garrett
Minor Couples: None
Status: Incomplete
Title: Twelve Days of Christmas
Fandom: House of Anubis
Type of Story: One-shot (secret santa gift for LiveLoveBreatheSing!)
Rating: T
Genres: Romance & Humor
Summary: On their first year of being married on Christmas, Alfie is given a hard task: giving Amber extravagant Christmas gifts. Secret Santa gift for LiveLoveBreatheSing. Thanks shadowswan for organizing this!
Major Couples: Amber/Alfie
Minor Couples: Nina/Fabian, Mara/Jerome, Joy/Mick, Patricia/Eddie
Status: Complete
Title: Unexpected
Fandom: iCarly
Type of Story: One-shot
Rating: Kt
Genres: Hurt/Comfort & Romance
Summary: I needed to get rid of them, so I shredded them. I shredded them all. / With Sam's mom barely making enough money to put food on the table, Sam decides to shred all of the bills her mom hasn't paid yet. That basically gets Freddie's mom to take her and her mom in her house with Freddie. This will definitely be interesting. One-shot! AU
Major Couples: Sam/Freddie
Minor Couples: None
Status: Complete
Title: Vague
Fandom: Shake It Up!
Type of Story: Drabble (part of Drabble Week 2014)
Rating: T
Genres: Romance & Hurt/Comfort
Summary: He hated yet loved her. / Tynka. Part of Drabble Week 2014
Major Couples: Ty/Tinka
Minor Couples: None
Status: Complete
Title: Whatever It Takes
Fandom: Degrassi
Type of Story: Multi-chap, SYOC (still looking for OCs!), Collaboration (with ThisIsWhereMyPseudonymShouldBe)
Rating: T
Genres: Drama & General
Summary: Their parents have walked these halls nearly 25 years ago. Now it's their time to shine. Follow the lives of the kids of Degrassi as they tackle this drama-filled school and live through love, lies, and everything that comes in the true Degrassi fashion. Collaboration with ThisIsWhereMyPseudonymShouldBe! SYOC-Applications Open!
Major Couples: OCs/OCs (to be announced)
Minor Couples: Eli/Clare, Jake/Katie, Drew/Bianca, Spinner/Jane, Sav/Anya, Fiona/Imogen, Declan/Holly J, Jenna/Connor, Zig/Maya, Miles/Tristan, Dallas/Alli, Zane/Riley, Becky/Adam, Marisol/Mo
Status: Incomplete
Title: Who I Am
Fandom: Total Drama series
Type of Story: Drabble (part of Drabble Week 2014)
Rating: T
Genres: Romance & Drama
Summary: Courtney's parents don't approve of their daughter's relationship with Duncan. Other genres-Hurt/Comfort, Family. Part of Drabble Week 2014
Major Couples: Courtney/Duncan
Minor Couples: None
Status: Complete
Title: You're More Than Adorable
Fandom: Phineas and Ferb
Type of Story: Three-shot
Rating: Kt
Genres: Romance & Suspense
Summary: All Phineas has called Isabella is adorable. He wants to tell her more, but every time he attempts to, he becomes really flustered, he hesitates, or something completely unexpected happens. But he promised himself he would tell her before the summer's over. And he's keeping that promise. Three-shot!
Major Couples: Phineas/Isabella
Minor Couples: None
Status: Complete
I have deleted two stories.
1: The World Karate Cup-Kickin It
The reason why I have deleted this story is because I didn't have time to update both it and Miss Miami at the time. Also, it felt really gimmicky to me. The chances of me rewriting this is slim - if I do, it may even be for a different fandom. However, the chances do increase considering I had everything in the story planned out.
2: Disgraciously Yours, Courtney-Total Drama series
The reason why I have deleted this story is because all of my letters were lost. Gone. Forever. It also didn't have a big enough fan base for me to rewrite it (admittedly, they have been on this website almost a year before they deleted themselves on their own (stupid 90 day rule)). I would really like to rewrite this, but I would need to have the time and the inspiration to sit down and rewrite all of those letters. But, who knows? Maybe that will be in the near future. ;)
I am really sorry if anyone really loved these stories, but I felt like that was the best for me. Thank you for reading them, and if you really want them back up, please PM me. I would really love to hear your opinions, and you might be able to convince me to rewrite them. :)
Recently, I got interested in writing drabbles. So I decided on having a Drabble Week every year so then they come out in more of an organized way and not something really erratic. Besides, posting a drabble each day for a week sounds so much fun!
Since I know I'll forget a disclaimer in every single drabble, I'll just say it here. I do not own anything except for the drabble's plot.
1: I must post one drabble every day for an entire week.
2: I must have a poll on my profile to allow you guys to decide what order the drabbles come in. The poll must be blind so then no one knows the poll's outcome.
3: I can't update or publish anything else except the drabbles a day before and after Drabble Week, as well as during Drabble Week.
4: The first choice must be published on Monday, second on Tuesday, etc.
5: I must have 7 drabbles ideas ready before I put the poll up, and I must finish typing EVERY SINGLE DRABBLE before I even post one.
6: There can only be one drabble per Drabble Week per couple. Same fandom is fine though, and the same couple written for in more than one Drabble Week is also fine.
7: The drabbles, including the AN, should not be more than 1000 words each.
8: On my profile, I must not show any indication of the next year's Drabble Week until I finish the year's Drabble Week.
9: I am allowed to skip a year IF AND ONLY IF I can't come up with enough ideas for the drabbles.
Year: 2014
Week: May 5-May 11
Monday: Honey (The Hunger Games-Everlark) [315 words without AN] {445 words with AN}
Tuesday: Licious (Total Drama series-Codierra) [730 words without AN] {935 words with AN}
Wednesday: Teach Me How To Kiss (I Didn't Do It-Jarrett) [654 words without AN] {774 words with AN}
Thursday: Vague (Shake It Up!-Tynka) [459 words without AN] {572 words with AN}
Friday: Dull (Total Drama series-Gwent) [703 words without AN] {839 words with AN}
Saturday: Insecurities (Total Drama series-Aleheather) [358 words without AN] {578 words with AN}
Sunday: Who I Am (Total Drama series-Duncney) [727 words without AN] {906 words with AN}
Year: 2015
Week: TBA
Monday: TBA
Tuesday: TBA
Wednesday: TBA
Thursday: TBA
Friday: TBA
Saturday: TBA
Sunday: TBA