Author has written 1 story for Naruto. UPDATE: Changed my username because I felt like it. :P Hullo, I'm here to have some fun messing around with the dumb ideas that pop up in my head throughout the day. My stories aren't really meant to make you think or anything serious like that, they're more of some cheap thrill you can read when you are waiting for other authors to update their stuff, ahah. So if you like it review it, and if you don't well you can do it too, just don't be harsh. Just cause the internet has desensitized you, it doesn't mean I don't have feelings! :D Thanks and enjoy what few if any I have. Small tidbits about me: Female, 5' 5", lazy ass, performer, and local badass. ;] Things I like: Reading, drinking, Reddit, partying, being a vegetable, playing video games. Things I don't like: Jäger, slow internet, grapefruits, douchebags, not knowing what time it is, winter. Disclaimer: Any and all characters used from any anime/manga series are not my property and I have no intent of selling or distributing them for financial gain. My updates are sporadic, I know, and that sucks major balls, but I try! Note about PUD: But who knows, maybe a few weeks from now I'll change my opinion and re-calibrate the whole story, 'tis the fickle mind of the lazy author! :P |