Author has written 6 stories for Torchwood, Supernatural, and Sherlock. Amy is not my given name. I have taken up the name Amy in my writing because what I write and post in my fics are so deeply connected to the soul of who I am, it doesn't feel as if they come from me. I am a teenager, but I am not naive. The me that I put out into the world every day is a mask. The smiles, the laughter, they are lies. What I put here is my soul, with a little creative license. Any angst found here is flowing directly from my pain into these words, it isn't all angst, there is love, laughter, and imagination, but I must warn you, when I write, I sometimes put what has actually happened to me in my life (which will probably be noted in the authors notes before each story (with an added warning about possible triggers for self harm etc.)) and most of the experiences I write about are not happy, this is how I wash my pain away, by writing my pain as someone else's it seems smaller and easier to manage. If you like what I write, I thank you, if not, my heart is already burnt beyond repair, I don't need your flames. I plan to write mostly Torchwood and Supernatural FanFiction. The Torchwood fics will be almost entirely Ianto-centric (Ianto is my absolute favorite thing in the world). There will be much Gwen bashing... I hate her. The Supernatural ones will be mostly Destiel, maybe Wincest, some Sabriel thrown in for good measure. I'll post as I write, I've got several stories waiting to be posted, I just need to get my butt in gear and start posting! See you around, Jones... Amy Jones |
FictionalNutter (11) | Red Shoe Kitty (50) | ZabellaCookie (15) |