Author has written 17 stories for Bleach, Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto, Avatar: Last Airbender, Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人, Vampire Knight, and Kuroshitsuji. Hey everyone Well for those that don't know me I'm Trisana and I'm a MAJOR anime nerd and lover if I could I would live in some of my fav animes, but sadly no one has found a way for me to do that :( any way so I love to write stories and I work on a lot of them over time because I don't like to write just one story at a time don't know why but I don't. The people you'll find me writing most of my stories for are Hiei Hitsugaya Gaara and sometimes Sasuke and Itachi but I also take requests from fans who I love to hear back from because it's them that keep me going and not ending stories. O Also I'd like to say that if anyone ever has a problem or doesn't like ANYTHING i say or do please feel free to just email me on it and let me know so that I can fix what ever it is. I'm human so I do and will make mistakes. I feel that it is better to tell the person personally that they messed up and its a bit disrespectful and inconsiderate to just commit it because that stuff doesn't go away. So please email don't commit. Thank you Trisana Quotes (Some my own others just random Anime ones) "Love is not eternal, but if you truly love your love will withstand eternally." Trisana "The most important thing to a writer isn't the greatness of their work or the acceptance/praise of critics but their fan." Trisana "For every perfection there is an imperfection." Trisana "I can never reach your level of perfection because i don't try to, I have my own level of perfection." Trisana "I won't change myself for you because I am who I am." Trisana "I know I have my flaws so you don't need to act like I don't already know." Trisana "Truth is a double edged sword." Trisana "Suicide is for the weak, only the truly strong push on when it's too hard to live." Trisana "Even the strongest person needs to break down in tears, but does that really make them weak?" Trisana "Love is friendship set on fire." ??? "Don't argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." -??? “I thought I was crazy Urameshi, but you take the prize! The hell was that? You don’t make bombs go boom in your face!” Jin "Today did start off weird. I went to school..."Yusuke "Even though it looks like I can't move right now, I'm very dangerous."Yusuke "All right Yusuke, you've tried everything else. Time to be stupid."Yusuke "How can you be grim if you say 'bingo' all the time?" Yusuke, "Wait you idiot! Haven't you learned? You're like an ugly singer with a good voice, best for backup!"Yusuke "What is it like to live in a constant haze of stupidity?” Hiei "You're a team player, a save the day superhero--I hate people like you." Hiei "There is no one who does not carry scars on his heart. If there were some one in the world like that, he would be a shallow soul." Hiei "He has no strategy. He's just swinging his sword with the grace of a fly swatter." Hiei "This idiot makes Kuwabara seem smart."-Hiei "Yup, I'm gonna be a scientist."Kuwabara "I mean seriously, why can't we ever have a chase on an elevator!" Kuwabara "Logic is panic's prey."Kurama "I have methods to make your life so meaningless that you will crawl out on your own and then beg me for your death." -Kurama "Too bad Hiei's not here, he could use his Jagan Eye to find himself."Botan "Those who won, please follow me! Those who lost, please get lost!"Genkai "The only difference between larger fighters is that they are louder when they whine. Can't you blockheads understand? I'm just trying to save you from embarrassment."Genkai "Now everyone pick up the arrow you think is pretty." Genkai "I almost killed my favorite dimwit."Genkai "I'm not a fighter of good. I just I hate people who are bad."-Genkai "He may look like a dimwit, in fact, he definitely is." Genkai "What did you get on the last test, Kuwabara." Kuwabara's friend "Hey, you stupid fox! You're in my body and you owe me rent! So for payment, I'll take your chakra! You got that?!" Naruto "Those who do not understand true pain can never understand true peace." Pain "The next generation will always surpass the previous one. It's one of the never-ending cycles in life." Kakashi "When a man learns to love, he must bear the risk of hatred." Madara/Tobi/Obito "Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange." Al "You're useless in the rain, so please stay back, Colonel." Hawkeye to Roy "There is no such thing as perfection. This world itself is imperfect. That's what makes it so beautiful." Roy “Who are you calling so short you want to squish like an ant?” Ed “Calm down, he never said anything like that!” Al “But he was thinking it!” Ed "Shorty? Can a shorty do this? What else do you want to call me, a half-pint, beanstalk, midget? I'm still-grown you backwater desert idiots!" Ed "She's like my own little escort of cuteness!" Hughes "Glad to see you haven't changed, Major. Nice and insane." Ed "On that day, all female officers will be required to wear... tiny miniskirts!" Roy |
Knight Ryder (5) |