![]() Author has written 35 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem, Super Smash Brothers, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, How to Train Your Dragon, Trollhunters, Legend of Zelda, and Assassin's Creed. My friend Laurel made me post something for my profile. So, yeah. I'm Brawlingwolf, also known as VeneficusMagister, and I come up with fanfiction ideas faster than I can write them down. I'm mainly a fantasy writer and am also working on an original story I plan on publishing one day. You can keep up with my artwork on my deviantART account. (http://) A lot of my fanfics are either based from The Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus, or Kingdom Hearts, though I have some Animorphs and other stuff mixed in occasionally. I'm always open for debate and discussion on Kingdom Hearts theories [not "ermagurd this pairing is so awesome" stuff, but plot development and the like]. Feel free to send me a PM if you want to talk. Order of the On the Wings of Light and Dark series: 1. On the Wings of Light and Dark 2. Praelium Pondera 3. Challenge of the Fates 4. Revelation, Retribution, Rebirth -Across the Bounds of Time also follows the same storyline, but a little over a thousand years later. 5. Across the Bounds of Time 6. End of an Era 7. The Death of Eternity 8. ????? (As in yes, I have another one. That'll be IT, though.) My OTP (One True Pairing- you have been warned): VentusXAqua [VenAqua, Venqua] (Kingdom Hearts) My strange crossover/crack pairing: PitXLucina [Lucit] (Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem 13) Pairings I ship, sorted by series. These often play parts in my stories: SoKai [SoraXKairi] (Kingdom Hearts) RokuShi [RoxasXXion] (Kingdom Hearts) SoRiku [SoraXRiku, my only yaoi ship] (Kingdom Hearts) CloTi [CloudXTifa] (Final Fantasy VII Compilation) ZackXAerith/Aeris (Final Fantasy VII Compilation) ZeLink [LinkXZelda] (The Legend of Zelda [Misc]) MidLink [LinkXMidna] (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) TobiasXRachel (Animorphs) JakeXCassie (Animorphs) MarthXSheeda/Shiida/Caeda (Fire Emblem 1/3/11/12) EliwoodXNinian (Fire Emblem 7) RoyXLilina (Fire Emblem 6) IkeXElincia (Fire Emblem 9/10) ChromXFem!Avatar [usually named Rufure in my stories] (Fire Emblem 13) InigoXLucina (Fire Emblem 13) ItsukiXTsubasa (Tokyo Mirage Sessions # FE) Other pairings that I like, but don't usually influence my stories: TidusXYuna (Final Vantasy X) [Young]LinkXSaria (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) NynaXCamus (Fire Emblem 1/3/11/12) EirikaXSeth (Fire Emblem 8) JoshuaXNatasha (Fire Emblem 8) SorenXMia [thanks to my friend Steph] (Fire Emblem 9/10) RhysXTitania (Fire Emblem 9/10) JaffarXNino (Fire Emblem 7) Merric/MarichXElice/Eliss (Fire Emblem 1/3/11/12) Merric/MarichXLinde/Rinda (Fire Emblem 1/3/11, mostly 12) NavarreXMinerva [PM me about it if you want an explanation] (Fire Emblem 1/3/11/12) StahlXSully (Fire Emblem 13) HenryXOlivia (Fire Emblem 13) Male!MorganXNah (Fire Emblem 13) Fem!MorganXOwain (Fire Emblem 13) Lon'quXLissa (Fire Emblem 13) TamaHaru [TamakiXHaruhi] (Ouran High School Host Club) Zutara [ZukoXKatara- I rebel, sorry] (Avatar: The Last Airbender) MaKorra [MakoXKorra- shipped it since before LoK even started] (The Legend of Korra) Hook/KillianXEmma (Once Upon a Time) Pairings that annoy me: RokuNami [RoxasXNaminé] (Kingdom Hearts) RoyXCecilia (Fire Emblem 6) ChromXSumia [I know it's basically canon, but come on, Chrom. You're marrying the future queen of Ylisse based on PIE?!] (Fire Emblem 13) Dark PitXPandora (Kid Icarus) Dark PitXPhosphora (Kid Icarus) |