Reeja Andes Winner of 34 Games
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Joined 06-27-11, id: 3024630, Profile Updated: 03-08-12
Author has written 8 stories for Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5, Warriors, and Underland Chronicles.

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Hunger Games Charecters

Name:Harry "Hanger" Gurret




Appearance (please be descriptive, saying someone is blond with blue eyes doesn't help, you can link a picture if you desire but still describe things like their nose and face shape):He has light brown hair and blue eyes. His hair sorta flops over his face and hides his blue eyes. His face is kinda triangle shaped and his nose is big

Something they resemble/remind people of:A Hanger

Personality:He is quiet unless he is in the room with a hanger. He then croons to it and kisses it. He has a hanger on him at all times so most of the time he ignores living beings

What would they do if they were accused of a crime?:They completly ignore the person who accused them, and start making out with his hanger, grossing them out.

What would they do if they were given a lot of money?:Buy hangers

Family:HIs mom and dad ignore him compltetly, seeing as he is insane

Daily Life:get up, make out with hanger, talk to hanger, run with hanger, go to school with hanger

History (can be as short as a sentence or as long as you want):As a baby he woke up onn morning to find his mother dropped a hanger in his bed. He from then on loved hangers

Friends:None. He is too werid

Enemies:None really people ignore him


Basic reaction\reason why:He walked up slowly, got to stage and made out with his hanger, grossing everyone out

Opinions on the Hunger Games\Capitol:He doesn't notice them.

Strategy:Get away, find safe place, make out with hanger.

Token:A hanger. Duh

Strengths:He can...Make out with a hanger

Weaknesses:Will not do anything in the games really

Ultimate Flaw:Won't do anything

The line they won't cross:Putting down the hanger

Name:Reenard Andes

District (And a back up):4,1,2


Appearance/Personality (Maybe mention Reaping/Chariot/Interviews Outfit?):He is a cocky, violent and bloodthirsty killer. Also he is a bit crazy...

Family/Friends:None. He killed them all.I told you he was crazy

History:As a little boy when his mother gave him a toy trident, he speared his sister's favorite doll through the heart. He then grew and grew. When he was 16 he killed his sister over whose turn in the bathroom it was. When his parents saw him, he killed them to. Then he was placed into a prison. He trained in the prison cell, even without a weapon. He actully escaped once by killing two guard
with a fork.

Career/Alliance?:Career Pack Leader

Romance?:Nope. One girl tried to ask him out and he strangled her half to death. He says, and I quote "Love is worse than death"

District Token:He has a small rubber ball that he plans to through at the mines of another person in the first 60 seconds

How Would You Want To Die? (If you do..):Mutt. Please no tributes killing him. Or mak e him and the last person fight it off and he dies.

Why did their District vote for them to go into the games?:He threated them and tried to kill a few (Ex. He/She is always stealing from the richest familys in town.)

Favorite Saying/Song that describes them/Favorite Color:
Saying: I hope You like darkness because that's all your gonna see!
Color: Red. The color of Blood

Any other info? (Arena idea etc.):Nope

Name:Reenard Andes




Appearance (please be descriptive, saying someone is blond with blue eyes doesn't help, you can link a picture if you desire but still describe things like their nose and face shape):He looks like http:///photos/fastfacts_robert.jpg exepct his face is a bit more rounded. His nose is slightly twisted to left because as a kid he broke it.His body is brawny and bulky.

Something they resemble/remind people of:He resembles...Can I say a mountain? Because he is bulky?

Personality:Tough and cruel. He is quiet outside of the games but in he is boasting and loud

What would they do if they were accused of a crime?:He would simplypunch the person who accused him and walk off

What would they do if they were given a lot of money?:Spend it on weapons and targets


Daily Life:Get up, train, Eat, sleep

History (can be as short as a sentence or as long as you want):As a kid he was abandoned in the orphanirum. He saw a hunger games and wanted to be in it at age 18.

Friends:Doesnt have any

Enemies:No one. He is quiet when he is not training therefore no real enimies


Basic reaction\reason why:He has been training his whole life

Opinions on the Hunger Games\Capitol:He thinks they are the best thing ever because they let him kill.

Strategy:Team up with careers and kill off the stronger tributes the arena, then backstab them. He will then hunt the rest.

Token:A small rubber ball

Strengths:Phyisical strength and can handle any weapons

Weaknesses:He can not climb nor run very well

Ultimate Flaw:He thinks he is stronger than he really is.

The line they won't cross:Love. He states he will never fall prey to love.

Will you write their reaping?:Nope

Do you even care about the reaping?:Nope

Would you like to be asked what your tribute will do?:Yes.

Anything else?:Nope

Name:Reej Andes

Nick-Name (If you wish to have one):Ree




Hair:Jet Black hair that flops over his eyes


Complexion:A tan skin

Preferred Clothing:Jeans and a T-shirt

Scars/Marks:One Jagged scar across his eye from a fight when he was younger.


Personality:Rough, always looking for a fight. He is Cocky and boasting

Attitude Towards Killing:He is always excited for a kill.

Attitude Towards Life:It's is just there so he can kill and fight people

Attitude Towards Being A Demigod:He thinks it is the best thing ever

Attitude Towards Their Olympian Parent:He boasts he is stronger than himm, though he knows it is not true

Attitude Towards Their District:He think his District is awsome because they are Careers

Attitude Towards Panem:That he should rule it

Attitude Towards Family:He doesn't have a family. All of it is dead

Attitude Towards Friends:Again, doesn't have any. Mostly because he is rude.

Feelings About Going Into Hunger Games:That is the most awsome thing he could do.






Olympian Parent:Ares





?:Everyone in the school.

Lovelife (Choose One)

In Games?:Nope

In District?:NOpe

In Past?:Yep

In Future?:Nope


History:As a baby he studed the Hunger Games. As soon as he was able to walk, he was throwing a Spear

District:District 2

District Token:A small rubber ball


Skills:He can handle any weapon and is brawny.

Preferred Weapon:A sword

Anything Given By Olympian Parent?:A special sword that can be disguised as a bracelet

Fears:HE thinks he is fearlesss but he is pretty much a coward, like Ares

Name:Kony Andes



District:3, 9

Personality:Timid and Scared. Even if he isn't in the games he is scared. He is jumpy.

Appearance: His face is kinda mashed up and his fingers, though they move quickly are covered with scarred.He has light brown hair that kinda flops over his eyes and tampers his vision. It would look good on a handsome boy but on him, his hair is ugly. His eyes are muddish brown

History:He lives an ordainary life, he invents little things and one released a flat sheet of metal at his face at age 12 , mushing his face up.

Family:His mother, Coiless is caring and loving to him. He barely sees his father, as he is always working to get money for the family. He is an only child
Friends:He has a friend named Ryan but otherwise he is just the quiet kid who sits in the corner of the room and fiddles with a wire


Reaction to reaping/why volunteer:He looked around for several seconds before he noticed he had been called. He walked up shaking, as usual. Other wise he hid most of his fear

Opinion of Games and Capitol:He thinks they are there just to kill him. He is scared enough to abide by them though

Strengths:He has good hearing

Weaknesses:He can't handle a weapon, He can't climb, he can't fight

Fears:He fears pain. And death. And others. And frogs. And bees. And almost every animal

Weapon of Choice:A wire

Allies? :He wants to ally with no one. He is afraid they will back stab him

Romance? :None

Strategy:Run. Quickly. Away from everyone

Name:Reeja Andes



Immortal parent (if it's a minor God, give an explanation of what they do/powers etc):Athena

Mortal parent (lots of detail):His name is Sam Andes. He is kind and really smart. He is a really good builder and passed some of his skills on to Reeja. He died from old age last year

Personality:smart and quiet. Doesn't like to make friends and almost always is alone. She understands she has to make allies to live so she will try to team up with careers

Appearance:Long Black hair down to her shins but she cut it shoulder length so she wouldn't get killed because of it. Her eyes are chocalate brown and they looked hungry for knowledge. She is not starving nor fat.

Friends and siblings:She has one friend named Jermy but no siblings she knows of.

Special powers:Smart and good at fighting (Wisdom and war)

Reaped or volunteered and why:Reaped

View of the games:That they are unesscary and only there because the capitol is a idoit.

Strengths:She can handle a knife very well and a sword is she has too but she rather use her traps

Weaknesses:She can't climb or hide very well. She can't really run and isn't that strong.

Weapon choice:Wire

Games strategy:Team up wit careers then kill them with a trap when they are into the last 12. Then wait pick off the strong ones with her traps

Interview strategy:Witty

Fatal flaw:She thinks she can defeat everyone with her traps, (They are good but others know how to disable them.)

Camp Half-Blood Charecters

Name(first, middle is optional, last):Reenard Erin Andes

Nickname(optional):Her friends call him Ree. Or at least they would if he had any friends


Godly Parent:Eris, goddess of chaos

Mortal Parent:Vikus Andes

Family:No siblings

History:At age 13 he was kicked of his house because the monsters. He showed up at camp half-blood, almost dead. He fell in love with a daughter of Athena and they lived happily for a year. Then Chiron sent her on a quest and she died. He vowed revenge and hid his anger. Even now he betrays them whatever chance he gets.

Personality:On the outside he looks cold and cruel and would show no mercy, but inside, he is just a little boy who misses his girl friend.

Hair:Jet black curls that kinda flop over his eyes. It goes down to mid neck and is always knotted and tangled

Eyes:A sky blue. When they look at you, you feel like he is freezing you, trying to kill you with his glare. They are ever darting around for a unseen enemy

Skin:A pale peach


Clothing Preferences:Black jeans and a raggedy T-shirt that he refuses to tell anyone the meaning of the writing on it

Casual-T-shirt and jeans

Formal-HE doesn't do Formal. The one time he wore a suit was to ask his girlfriend out

Build(thin, muscular, etc,):A moderatly sized boy

Weapons:Two twin daggers and if needed, a dual sword

Powers:One nick with his fingernails and it feels as if the world is destroyed. You see the world in, well chaos

Likes:Vlaack, his girlfriend, betrying Camp Half blood

Dislikes:People. In general

Strengths:He is strong and his fury makes him stronger

Weaknesses:He is not to good with planning. His girlfriend always did that for him

Romance(if so, explain what type of person):Dead. He will never love again

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

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Mutant Games: Freaks and Circuses by Yelof530 reviews
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Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Three in between
Three generations of the questers children have met. And now they have to find Sandwhich's broken sword.
Underland Chronicles - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 763 - Updated: 1/8/2012 - Published: 11/18/2011
Wandering reviews
Oneshot about THE CHICKEN or in other words Egg of Skyclan Inspired by MyrtleFalls.
Warriors - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 126 - Reviews: 2 - Published: 10/9/2011 - Egg - Complete
Waiting reviews
Oneshot about Moonflower. Inspired by MyrtleFalls. Kplus for dying. Please review for me to make a oneshot of your charecter or one of you choice
Warriors - Rated: K+ - English - Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 145 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 1 - Published: 10/9/2011 - Moonflower, Bluestar - Complete
Falling reviews
Short Oneshot about Rabbitleap of Skyclan. Please leave CC. I am a noob at this writing. Inspired by MyrtleFalls. K cuase there is nthing bad. Please review for me to make a oneshot of your charecter or one of you choice
Warriors - Rated: K - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 105 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 10/9/2011 - Rabbitleap - Complete
Finally reviews
Oneshot about the elder Dappletail. K for death. Changed. Thank to GoldenRinglets for CC. Inspired by Myrtlefalls.
Warriors - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 164 - Reviews: 8 - Published: 10/9/2011 - Dappletail, Firestar - Complete
The Clan of the Night reviews
This takes place in between the first and second series and it is just what would happen if there was a clan that didn't have a code and were bent on ruling the forest Leaders can have kits and still be leader. Same with warroirs so there are no queens.
Warriors - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 479 - Reviews: 1 - Updated: 10/5/2011 - Published: 10/4/2011
The Unknown reviews
sorry i had to delete the first 2 versoin this one is better
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