Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter. Hey everyone!My name is Kayla, and I heart Draco/Hermione romances. please please leave me some names. i'm following quite a few, but i'm always looking for more. i have 4 fics posted, two ficlets, and two other longer ones, and another in the works. my notebooks is still missing, but i'm going to rewrite When Your World Falls Apart because of the massive amounts of reviews i've seen. i just updated chapter 28 and i think everything will work out. i know this is getting lengthy, but thats just me. leave me a review for your story, and i'll try to check it out when i can get on. school started and it takes up quite a bit of time. anyway, ill shut up now and let you go read! ~K~ odd quotes: if i think, therefore i am, am i only a thought? so many stupid people, so few comets. Meatloaf... tastes like meatloaf... (DONT ASK!) the pen is mightier than the sword. i have gone to find myself. if i get back before i return, keep me here. |