Author has written 26 stories for Vampire Diaries, Degrassi, Twilight, Harry Potter, Shake It Up!, Het Huis Anubis/House of Anubis, Wizards of Waverly Place, Victorious, and Sherlock. Hello fellow fanfiction readers and writers, my name is Rose! Not really. But I'm awesome like that. O-o-O Some fun facts about me: I love rock and metal music, and detest pop (except K-pop, happy Maya?). I am nineteen years old (And I love how my love of music comes before my age, shows you what's important to me) I go by many names: Rose (Ask SHINeeWhiteRose), Kat, Alex, Lexi, Jack, Evan (Most of these are characters of mine, and yes, even Evan and Jack), and Senorita Rapper. I love The Vampire Diaries, in fact, that show is what inspired my first ever written fanfic! So to all the haterzzz out there, with out that show I wouldn't be here! I am an American girl. I'm really weird and it's awesome. I can be shy but when I'm around my friends I'm really fun. Fictionpress name: Alivia Carter o.O.o Quotes from me and my friends that need to be read: Maya=SHINeeWhiteRose Raven=nikole salvatore And if you wanna know where these names came from, read SHINeeWhiteRose's TVD oneshots! Maya: "Zuko's a whore! He has too many fangirls." Me: "Raven calls Jet 'That Hot Anime Guy.' That made my morning!" Me, Maya, and Raven at some point: "Zuko's not good with girls." Me, a comment on my Zuko/OC story: "I just keep putting them in awkward situations, intent on putting them together, but they're both too stubborn (as if they could rebel against me). They're my characters, dammit! I can do what I want! 'Lea: Nope. I do what I want.' 'Me: Bitch.'" Me, Maya, and Raven at some point: "That's what Rose said!" Me to Maya: "It's bad enough that you stop in the middle of a sentence, or even a word sometimes, when you're writing. But now, you've got me into that habit, and what's worse, now you take my pencil out of my hand, making me stop writing in the middle of a letter!" (Okay, I might be overreacting on this one, because it was the cross on the 'Z' but still, the irony.) Me: "I love the guy in the Bill Nye videos who's always adding the sarcastic comments." Me (Another comment on my Zuko/OC story): "Why is she so depressed? Is it because they're refugees, or because they're in the woods with barely any food? [reads on] Oh. It's because of her hair." Me, another comment on my zuko story: "I can't remember the names of any of the plants! I'm not a plantatologist!" Me: "I have to tutor someone every Tuesday now." Me: "I'm tutoring a guy after school today." Maya: "We have ray guns and we're not afraid to use them!" Maya: "I had two cookies today." Me: "I did too much work in physics class today. I only wrote like, two sentences in my fanfic. It was not a productive class time." Me: "I forgot everything about this episode, so I'm improving a bit." Zuko in my story: "Isn't that what girls say when they're talking, for example?" Me: "Estoy muy cansada, y tengo sed, y hace mucho calor, y me gusta...complain. No sé como se dice complain en español." (Translation: I'm very tired, and I'm thirsty, and it's hot out, and I like to...complain. I don't know how to say complain in spanish.) Me: "I have so many names it's not funny. I'm Rose, Kat, Alex, Lexi, Jack, Evan...Um...who else am I? I know there was another one." Me: "I'm so proud of you!" Me: "You are so mean to me!" Raven: I thought because it's a New Years Eve movie it was appropriate. Maya: This dog has a spot on his butt. It is my spot. Here, there's one on his neck too, that can be yours. Raven: I have an evil side. It's hidden. It's repressed. so we're using a tape measure to see how tall each of Raven's characters are in comparison to each other* Me: There's some shot you mix Bailey's Irish Cream with something I just can't remember what it was. Raven: I feel like I'm high all the time so I don't need to get high. I'm like all happy and bubbly. |