Author has written 3 stories for Rise of the Guardians, Batman: Arkham Asylum, and Supernatural. Hello! My name is Jocelyn and I am new-old to fanfiction. I've been a lurker since I realized there was more to life than quizilla(age ten), and I've been a writer for only this year(age twenty). I had a Avengers fic; Subterfuge, which I quickly abandoned when I realized I had no plan for it. My current fic, To Rouse A Lion, is gonna be a long one, because I have either too little or too much floating around my head to write any less. I'm of dual citizenship, in Canada and America, though currently I go to college in America. Goodness knows why; it's expensive as hell! I love painting, and eating. I won't say I love music, because if I didn't love music, I would be the first. I'm not sure how I like writing, but I'll figure it out somewhere along the way. I date a stand-up comedian, and so unavoidably, my stories are going to be swamped in shitty puns. He fancies himself funny, and I fancy him. I have a ferret- his name is Iggy Napalm and he's the cutest thing... ever. If anyone who knows me finds this page, get the F*CK out! You all are a bunch of losers! (Mostly for knowing me) Cheers! NineTimesNamed (Fun Fact about 9TN: I wasn't given my name till about two months after I was born. Before that, my parents called me 'It'; as in 'Why is it crying?' 'what does it want!?' 'OH GOD, WHAT HAS IT DONE NOW!?' and, hilariously, 'I THOUGHT IT WAS WITH YOU!?') |