Author has written 6 stories for Glee. Saluations! :) I'm Caroline. Caroline is... A teacher! Left-handed! Red-headed! Twentysomething! An optimist! A vegetarian! A Ravenclaw! A cat-person! A huge nerd! My current favorite television show is Glee, and guys, let me tell you - I ship KLAINE. I ship Klaine HARD, okay? I ship them LIKE BURNING. And if for some reason, I am NOT in the midst of a Kurt/Blaine happy freak-out, I am drooling over Brittany/Santana, whom I also adore. As a result, I have written a simply insaaaaaaaaane amount of fanfiction (mostly Kurt/Blaine), and although it's posted on my Livejournal, I figured I'd share it on , just in case anyone on here enjoys it. And good news! I just got a tumblr, and I am slowly-but-surely figuring out what to do with it -- http:// Come play with me on tumblr! We'll geek out and have fun! And you're TOTALLY welcome to put questions in my ask box, even if they're inappropriate!! I've never gotten an inappropriate question in my ask box, but I bet that would be awesome! :) |