Author has written 7 stories for Detective Conan/Case Closed, and Magic Kaito/まじっく快斗. Salve! This will be less of a profile, and more of the place where readers can go if they want to know the status of any of my In-Progress stories or hear about upcoming stories. So, here's the profile part: I'm a girl whose personality is obsessive, but also slightly ADD; as such, I tend to write a lot about whatever fandom I'm obsessed with for a good couple months, and then in less than a week I'll forget about the fandom completely. Currently, said fandom is Detective Conan/Case Closed, and who knows how long that'll last, especially since it's an on-going series, and my current mission is to watch every single episode up until this point. But I digress. I'm also an HUGE grammar nerd, and tend to pay more a attention to grammar than actual story content...I also feel bad being critical, so I'll only review a story if the grammar isn't atrocious, the writing style rocks, and the story isn't half bad, either. But speaking of criticism, I would really appreciate some in reviews; sure, good reviews feel terrific, but they honestly don't help me beyond that--not that I don't WANT them (and I mean really, really want them)...I just NEED *constructive* criticism. That being said, what are you still doing here? Go read some stories already! ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... sSS... ... ..sS... ... ... ... ... ... ... . My Stories: I've currently got 5 oneshots published, and one chapter story in the works, Checkmate. I plan to update that one every other week, and am currently writing the 6th chapter. I'm also in the planning stages of a HakubaKaito oneshot (I tend to write about those characters alot--the Gosho Boys are my favorites, especially those two), and two more chapter stories--one about Hakuba, the other about Kaito. |
Ellen Brand (123) | Katty008 (75) | queen misanagi (9) |