Author has written 9 stories for Digimon, Xenogears, Wild Arms, Tales of the Abyss, Final Fantasy: Tactics, and Tales of Legendia.
Name: Evy (Hawkie/Hawk of Death)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
No, I will not continue one-shots for you and I will not incorporate your silly Sues or slash OTPs into my fics.
Story status:
Fortune Cookie - Digimon Tamers - English - Finished. (1 chapter)
The Beginning of The End - Xenogears - English - Discontinued. (1 chapter)
Ribbon - Wild ARMs - English - Hiatus. (1 chapter)
Fright Lesson - Tales of the Abyss - English - Finished. (1 chapter)
Philo's Log - Final Fantasy Tactics - English - Hiatus. (1 chapter)
Of All People - Tales of Legendia - English - Finished. (1 chapter)
Then she was - Wild ARMs 5 - English - Finished. (1 chapter)
Chilly February Morning - Tales of Legendia - English - Finished. (1 chapter)
Confusion - Wild ARMs 5 - English - Finished. (1 chapter)
Updates: (04/15/08) Happy belated birthday to me. . Another WA5 one-shot up. Hurray.
Gaming news: Just for kicks!
Wild ARMs - Beaten.
Wild ARMs 2nd Ignition - Beaten.
Wild ARMs Advanced 3rd - Beaten.
Wild ARMs Alter Code: F - Beaten.
Wild ARMs 4th Detonator - Beaten.
Wild ARMs Vth Vanguard - Beaten.
Wild ARMs XF - Act 1-16.
Final Fantasy Tactics - Beaten.
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions - Midlight's Deep.
Chrono Cross - Beaten.
Xenogears - Beaten.
Xenosaga: Der Wille Zür Macht - Beaten.
Xenosaga II: Jenseits von Gut und Bose - Beaten.
Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Beaten.
Star Ocean: The Second Story - Red Crystal Cave.
Vagrant Story - Started over, I forget...
Legend of Legaia - Rim Elm, lawl.
Tales of the Abyss - Beaten.
Final Fantasy XII - Sochen Cave Palace
Tales of Legendia - Beaten.
Tales of Symphonia - Beaten.
.hack//G.U. Vol.1: Rebirth - Beaten.
.hack//G.U. Vol.2: Reminisce - Beaten.
.hack//G.I. Vol.3: Redemption - Beaten.