Author has written 3 stories for Kamen Rider, My Little Pony, and Fallout. Hello, my name is Myshiroyuki. I love Kamen Rider, my favorite being Kamen Rider Fourze and OOO Kamen Rider Vitaz is my first fanfic and I hope you like and review it. Kamen Rider Sin is my second Kamen Rider fanfic and already it's looking to be far more popular. (Ideas) Kamen Rider Trinity: Demons appear whenever Human makes a deal with the mysterious Man named Louis. An angelic father and his two children, his son and daughter, come down from heaven to save the humans before the demons can kill their creator. Using the power given to them by God, they each become the angel hero with the name of Kamen Rider Trinity. Kamen Rider Yume: ... Description of the Viruses I have in my Kamen Rider Vitaz fanfic. Animal and Bug Viruses: Yukino's Viruses are all creatures from the animal kingdom. Each one has powerful abilities related to their animal or bug. Side-effects are mostly mutating their own body to imitate the Animal or Bug Virus they have been injected with but they can have other side-effects included like the inability to sleep or a itchy rash. Knowledge Viruses: Yukiteru's Viruses are all Viruses that deals with a certain part of science like how cold something has to get to freeze or how dense an object can be. Only special humans can be injected with the Knowledge Virus or else it will kill them. Side-effects are usually related to the power of the Virus like the Freeze Virus making its infected incredibly cold. Physical Viruses: Yukimaru's Viruses are all Viruses that deal with physical activities like sports or exercising. These Viruses are the strongest physically and usually each one has a special ability related to its name like the Baseball Virus being able to split into hundreds of baseballs. Side-effects are usually something that will hurt the infected but not hinder them when they play sports or exercise. Beauty Viruses: Yukiko's Viruses are all Viruses that make its infected incredibly beautiful and desirable. Their powers usually are related to their name but can be something else. Side-effects could be anything that doesn't appear on the outside of the body. Emotion Viruses: Yukiya's Viruses are related to a certain emotion a human can feel like happiness, sadness, or anger. Powers are always related to the emotion the Virus is named after like the Berserk Virus being incredibly powerful and angry. Side-effects can be making the infected constantly feel the emotion of the named Virus at all times but unlike the other Viruses, the side-effects can be fought back with a strong enough will. |
CaptainPancakes (4) |