Author has written 1 story for American Idiot. Well hey guys! Welcome to the newly improved collab account!! Who's on this account, you may ask? Well, it consists of four of the coolest people you will ever meet. Invisible Girl 12, CarlyStar15, RageAndLove01, and Lizsername. Anna's Bio: Howdy! Hola! Ciao! uh...well hi! So..this is my bio. I'm invisible Girl, Invis, Anna, Extraordinary Girl. whatever you'd like to call me! Wow. I feel rushed. What do i say? So me and Liz decided to write a collab fic about the Idiot Kids which led to this account! (previously Snana and Opa btw) So here we go! I started off writing for Next to Normal and I did some Spring Awakening, which got me into American Idiot. I fell in love. Met some awesome people (some of my best friends). And brought out some of the best writing I've ever done. Thanks, AI! I am a Twitter junkie... I make AI bears. Jimmy-Bear is my favorite and he is spoiled for it. I adore all things involving the words musical and theatre. Shakespeare is my homeboy. Jesus of Suburbia is my best friend. the zebra is a friendly. Carly's Bio: Hi there! Wow, this is exciting! What to say, what to say...Um, I'm Carly! already knew that... XD So Invis up there *points to bio above mine* invited me to join in this collab fic and I'm really happy that she did! So, I started off on FanFiction a little over a year ago under the pen name NinjaWizardGleek15, and I wrote two stories for Harry Potter that absolutely sucked. Like, I'm completely ashamed to say I wrote them. Then I moved into the Glee fandom where I wrote two stories, and now I'm also working on a collab fic with crabbyabby3 (It's called Summer Lovin' and we posted it under her account, if you're a gleek, please check it out!). Because I'm a huge theatre nut, I wanted to write/read fics in the Plays/Musicals category. So I ventured into the RENT fandom (going to see the off broadway revival this summer! woot woot!) but I haven't written anything for that (yet!). Then on February 20, 2011 I saw American Idiot. (I also met John Gallagher Jr that day!!) I am a HUGE Green Day fan, and getting to see the show with Billie Joe as St. Jimmy (although seeing with Tony Vincent would've been awesome too) MADE MY LIFE. So I have two stories in that fandom, and both of them mention my version of Will and Heather's child, a little girl named Hope, who lead me to become part of this collaboration! I also love Next to Normal, and have one story up on here, but I have gotten minimal feedback (-cough-one review-cough-) so I've kind of given up on that for now. Anyway...thats basically me! If you feel like you want to know more and you're NOT a crazed stalker lunatic, just check out my profile on my account! Thanks for reading this! Cassie's Bio: [coming soon] Liz's Bio: [coming soon] OUR BIG PROJECT: Our big collab summer project is a fic entitled Lying Is Your Favorite Passion. It's a second-generation Idiot fic, meaning that it focuses on the lives of the children of the canon AI characters. All the kids have been in a fic previous to this and we have gotten all the kid-fic authors together to write this. It takes place in high school, like any other dramatic fic. Here is the kid list: PAIRINGS WE DO: American Idiot: Johnny/Whatsername, Jimmy/Johnny, Jimmy/Whatsername, Jimmy/Heather, Jimmy/EG, Jimmy/Will, Tunny/EG, Tunny/Heather, Tunny/Will, Will/Heather, Will/OC, Heather/OC, Heather/Miguel, Johnny/EG, Jimmy/Theo, Steve/Stacy Well, as our man Billie Joe would say... Thanks for visiting our page and "I hope you had the time of your life" =D |