Author has written 6 stories for Legend of Zelda, and Legend of the Seeker. Ornamental-Reciprocity here. I think the most interesting thing that I have to say for myself is that this pen name was generated by a random word generator because I couldn't come up with any ideas. My second choice was Corriander-Knoll, but I liked this one better. Mostly, I just thought it was pretty. Also, I learned an interesting fact today. Did you know that peacocks are all males? The correct term for a female of that species is peahen. The species itself is called peafowl. Weird, huh? Update: As I promised a certain someone, here is proof that you have found the right place: It was a magic duck, that turned people into animals. And to everyone else who has no idea what that means, my apologies. Long standing bet/dare/blackmail/scavenger hunt. |