Author has written 16 stories for Tron, Thor, and Mass Effect. Hi all, new name on the profile, same old me. Author's note:
I am, in short, on hiatus to write original fiction. OK, well, original fiction and a whooooole lot of shipping garbage that's on AO3 exclusively. Other notes: I like to think my writing is always improving, and while I have some mixed feelings about some of my older works or have yet to go back and edit some chapters that went up before I had any beta readers (or after I did, mistakes DO happen, mostly on my end) I am not going to delete anything simply because it may be less than perfect so long as someone out there seems to be getting some enjoyment out of it. I will, however, edit and adjust periodically. In the meantime, though, I hope you'll forgive some of my more amateur and awkward moments if you run across them in the older pieces. Though of course, as I said earlier, critique is always welcome when there's a deeper-than-copy-editing issue, or something you'd like to point out for any other reason. I look forward to any comments you may have, whether it be scathing criticism or glowing praise. Or neutral affirmation that you are in fact human beings who are reading my work. Happy fic-ing! -StellarR |