What the duck has been taken
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Joined 01-26-11, id: 2721423, Profile Updated: 12-12-11
Author has written 14 stories for Harry Potter, Airborn, Tangled, Leviathan series, Glee, Dragon Ball Z, Tales of Symphonia, Avengers, and Sherlock.


Does anyone remember the disaster that was the 31 days of fluff? Yeah, that's because it didn't happen. See, in July, our mother (Duckworth and Moony's mother, anyway) went into Hospice care and eventually died of cancer. RIP Mommy, July 14, 2011. Anyway, for obvious reasons, we weren't able to keep up with that challenge, which we apologize for. I know we have posted a few things since then, and we apologize for our obvious neglect of this account. For now, the 31 days of fluff challenge will be put on hold until I get back from New York (still only a possiblity, so we may be starting in January after all) on the January 16th, 2012.


We (Duckworth and Moony) have decided that every fortnight (two weeks) we'll hold CHALLENGE WEEK! For CHALLENGE WEEK, we'll take turns coming up with prompts for both of us to use, and from that, we'll make a story. There may be certain prompts that we'll give additional information, such as pairings (or at least fandoms), songs or poems, or even additional prompts.

Alright, as much as I liked the Confession Box Challenge idea, we obviously will have to try that at a later date. Instead, we are starting over with CHALLENGE WEEK! due to the family crisis mentioned above. For this challenge week, we will be doing the Corn Challenge. This challenge requires us to use the line, "Where did you get that corn?"

As usual, feel free to partake of this challenge with us, and pm us if you want to share! We'd be glad to know you've taken our challenge.

Just a little insight:

Duckworth a.k.a. Mouse, and a million other things:

The canon writer. Most likely to write something from video games (generally the "Tales of" series), or from Harry Potter. She got into fanfiction about six months after I did, and it took me almost two years to convince her to read Harry Potter, and she loved it, just as I said she would. We're far too similar, mostly because we're sisters. She won't stray too much from what is known of the story, but she doesn't research much of what she's writing, going entirely off of what she knows already. Generally a romance writer, she sometimes deviates into family and friendship. You may already know her as silent romantic.

Moony, that's me!:

I'm the middle writer. I write mostly canon stuff, but I dabble into non-canon stories. I'll write very light slash, and some very slightly suggestive themes, but nothing too graphic. I mostly write Harry Potter fanfiction, but I'm trying to branch out into other things I know well. I'm crazy about movies, so expect to see more things about movies in the future, and hopefully some stories from other books, as well. I write romance, pretty much exclusively. If you recognize my writing style, you've most likely seen my personal account, Corinne Marie.

Melon-Lord a.k.a. Crazy. Just kidding.:

The that's-way-off writer. Specializes in writing stories that are as non-canon as possible. Also, freaking people out. She will most likely write heavy slash and femmeslash. I expect she'll write based mostly on TV shows and books, although I can't be sure. I'm sure she'll be uploading something as soon as she can, just like me. Her personal account name is I Might Be Slytherin.

Melon-Lord update:

As you've likely noticed, there is another writer on our account of late. He is my cousin (brother, as I'm calling him since our adoption by my aunt and uncle (Or twin ~Duckworth)), and he will be sharing Melon-Lord's prompts as she is the responsible one of the four of us and has a job or something. Not too sure, really. Haven't talked to her in awhile.

We here at "What the duck has been taken" have decided to take on a challenge of mythic proportions. Here we have 500 themes, found on livejournal. There are three of us here, and we're hoping to get these stories to you as quickly as possible.

I, Moony, am the creator of this account. I've separated the prompts evenly among us, and sent the lists to the other two. They are as follows:

Melon Lord (And incestual sounding brother/cousin...not sure what to call him yet):

2) Terror in the night

3) Flashes of euphoria

4) Dancing with the devil

5) Fatal accident

13) Left behind

16) Dying sun

17) Devastating explosion

21) Arise from the ashes

22) The end of the beginning

26) Immortal laughter

27) A whisper on the wind

28) Electrifying sacrifice

31) The winds of change

32) The hand of fate

33) Desperate plea

35) Whitewashed walls

36) Caught in the act

38) Close your eyes

41) Releasing the sparrow

45) The eye of the storm

51) Uncontrollable wrath

54) Leap of faith

56) Harsh revelation

61) Crumbling heart

64) Jumbled truths

71) Chained to mortality

75) Miraculous relief

81) Across the worlds

84) Kidnapped innocence

85) Tears of desire

86) Ring of sunlight

87) Trembling cold

88) Missing planet

89) Suffering rain

92) Horrific distortion

97) Approaching doom

102) Urban legend

103) Gentle warmth

111) Ghost of a rose

113) Enchanting surrender

117) Leaves of amber

120) Don’t scream.

123) Subconscious reality

124) The truth about forever

127) Lost soul

135) There will always be a monster

138) Cabin by the sea

147) Resonating hunger

148) Relinquished radiance

149) Transcendent joy

151) Her eyes believed in mysteries

152) Last breath

168) Laughter from the flames

172) Unheeded warning

174) Spellbound

178) Even I have forgotten my name

182) Tumbling clouds

184) You think you have it bad?

186) No one could bleed that much and live

188) Delicious tragedy

189) The in between

191) You’re only sleeping

197) The moment

199) Childhood’s end

200) Broken weapon

201) Gazing upon the sky with dampened eyes

205) Memory of a dream

208) Enraged superstition

211) An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

212) Portals of discovery

217) The essence of life

222) Reach for the stars

223) Touch me

226) Forbidden laughter

227) Starved for affection

228) Between a rock and a hard place

229) No man is an island

243) A golden shield

246) A magical time

247) A perfect rainbow in hell

253) Alone I break

254) And that’s when I stopped believing in gravity.

255) No one mourns the wicked

259) Based on a dream

262) The beginning of goodbye

263) A lonely tomorrow

264) Beneath the blue

266) Between a rock and your mother

269) Blood and moon

271) Bribing the devil

273) False gold

275) By the light of a million stars

276) Castles in the sky

280) Crown of ivy

281) Call of the wild

284) Dawning upon a crimson ruin

285) Death becomes you

288) Destined envy

290) Do you remember the end?

292) Dragons in your eyes

293) Make a wish and toss a penny to the moon

295) Edge of sanity

297) Equinox rising

300) Exquisite and unforgivable

301) Face down I cry

303) Light step

317) Angels among us

318) Haunting lonely pools

319) Portrait in black

321) Technological reality

322) I am the night you died

325) I close my eyes and you disappear

329) I was here two days from now

334) Death by imagination

336) Unfathomable truths

337) Shackles of the mind

338) Growing fonder

341) Tales of long ago

344) Hold still, I’m trying to kill you.

349) Falseness in acquaintance

350) Beneath the shade of the Sycamore

352) In the shadow of Mount Gloom

353) Intoxicating the mind

355) It ends tonight

359) Liberating relief

360) Life on white wings

371) The gift of lucidity

373) Missing heaven and roses

379) Lost in dreams

383) Warped

384) Disenchanted crystal

390) Letters from nowhere

393) Passionate desires

395) The bitterness of mortality

398) Flames of disaster

399) Miraculous discovery

411) Abandoned

413) Heart within the eyes

414) When forever fades away

422) Disembodied voices

424) Dancing on the water

429) I’ll try violence

435) Whispering nightmare

436) Bound by silence

437) A twinkle in the night

438) A waking slumber

440) My lips are sealed

442) An invitation to heaven

443) Attacked by a dream

446) Ancient tale

449) The end of something better, the beginning of something worse

451) Look beyond

452) Edge of the knife

455) Forgotten roads

459) A life inside

463) Illusions of the darkness

464) Sacrificial tension

469) Echoes of bondage

474) Laughter through the ages

475) Frozen fire

477) Lights out

481) A death of a thousand screams

486) Cataclysm

487) When Earth dies

497) Author’s choice

498) Author’s choice

500) Author’s choice


10) Shooting StarX

20) Gaping Chasm

25) Emergency Evacuation

30) A life of lies

39) Beyond the horizon

40) Finality

43) Golden Miracle

44) I covet you.

46) Screaming silence

50) Betrayal

52) Dragon of Shadow

55) Faceless and nameless

57) A path to follow

58) The power of goodbye

62) Ignored instinct

65) Shallow grave

66) Why they call it falling

67) Volcano

70) Antiseptic air

74) Unexpected emptiness

83) Counting years

90) Parched ego

93) Miracle ruin

99) Vacant arch

100) Recoil

101) Vehement grace

104) Rippling tide

106) That’s all I ask of you

108) Promise me

110) Never let go

114) Cowering sunrise

116) Resisting temptation

119) Heart of a child

122) Mysterious stranger

126) You were supposed to be watching her!

129) Touched by an angel

133) Don’t you dare

134) Emerald Eternity

136) Infinite embrace

137) It’s too late

139) Guardian

141) Ignited illusion

142) Forsaken stealth

144) Kindle my soul

145) Majestic memories

150) Silent watcher

157) Passing warrior

158) Shield maiden

159) Old oak

162) Deserted riverbank

163) I never thought

164) A walk along the shore

170) Sleeping storm

173) Voices in my mind

181) I offer no excuses.

185) My pain was like a desert

190) Into the river

193) They’re calling you home

196) Lamentation

198) Suddenly

203) Entrapment

207) Firestarter

209) Guilty morals

210) Fragile as a dream

213) Fall from grace

214) Balance of power

216) Diamond in the rough

218) Nostalgic numbness

220) A fate worse than death

221) The razor’s edge

225) Tragic shadow

230) Critical vengeance

232) Mystery

236) One thousand promises

240) A deluge of dancers

241) A fallacy in your head

242) A four leaf clover

245) A lustful lie

249) A secondhand heart

256) Die alone

261) Before the next tear falls

265) Better left unsaid

267) Beyond the walls of the universe

268) Birthing black and white

272) Broken promises and broken hearts

274) By midnight’s favor

278) Crawling nightmare

279) Crimson orchid

286) Demon tongue

289) Burning star

291) Don’t look into his eyes

294) Ecstatic pain

296) Elemental rain

298) Ethereal Blood

302) Fallen Fae

304) Faery-eyed child

307) Fields of dust

308) Final breath

309) Finding infinity

311) For the child I will sing.

313) Lost beginning

315) Fractured reality

320) Approaching flood

326) I loved you, mommy, the day I killed you

328) I thought you were alive

332) If looks could kill

339) A time to grieveX

345) Breath of the devil

346) The innocent can never last

351) One season’s eve

357) Night of fire

367) Gazing out a broken window

368) You can never lose what you never had

376) Where does the sky end?

377) Breathtaking innocence

378) Perilous stranger

380) Found in reality

382) Treacherous deceit

386) Yesterday’s tomorrow

388) Supernova

392) Beautiful disaster

394) Remnants of darkness

396) An exquisite extreme unknown

397) More heaven than a heart could hold

400) Trusting in a soul

401) Twilight surrender

402) When love turns to hate

404) When the river runs dry

407) Reaching for the moon

408) When stillness descends

409) On the brink of forever

410) Clinging to the edge of control

412) Eyes within the heart

415) Grace acceptance

416) Flying amidst a rainbow

418) Alone with forever

419) Sunrise upon a soul

423) Dancing beneath the moon

426) A tale rewritten

428) Letters and vowels, spinning and tiles

431) Mysterious beyond

432) Ocean tears

434) Sea bed

439) See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

441) Sometimes it is better not to follow your own destiny

445) The ravages of time

448) Ripped apart

450) The space between

457) A bitter pill

458) Another fine mess

460) Still crossroads

462) Fear of the fall

465) Path of a child

467) Behind the mirror

472) Something unheard of

473) Hidden tales

476) White shores

478) Liquid sunset

479) Silver glass

480) When words fail

490) Flight of disaster

491) When tomorrows run out.

493) Dashed against a rock

494) Invisible defender

496) Author’s choice

499) Author’s choice

Duckworth/Captain Awesome. (Just kidding, don't kill me Moony):

1) The vacuum of time

6) Haunting melody

7) Black ice

8) Breathtaking reality

9) Sensation of loss

12) Aurora Borealis

14) Unguarded touch

15) Last time

18) Alone in a crowd

19) Fragmented truths

23) Remember me

24) Flash of lightening

29) The calm before the storm

34) Nightmare

37) Wake up, the day is dying

42) Something’s out there

47) Her body was found

48) I used to remember you

49) Gasping confession

53) Natural disaster

59) Through a child’s eyes

60) One final look back

63) Seductive danger

68) Dying land

69) A child’s truth

72) Dim as an ember

73) Acid tears

76) Letting go

77) What Earth once was

78) Frantic search

79) Tragic moment

80) Beneath the smiles

82) In the still of the night

91) Toxic tease

94) Wailing shadows

95) Barren abyss

96) Ravenous time

98) Eternal danger

105) Fallen haze

107) Think of me

109) A white rose

112) Fire

115) Deliverance

118) I remember when she loved me

121) Bereft confusion

125) She’s burning up

128) Wandering spirit

130) Shattered reflection

131) Central power

132) Lightening fast refusal

140) Amusingly inconsequential

143) Corrupted intrigue

146) Breathe, baby, breathe!

153) Sweet nothings

154) Unfinished tale

155) Endless darkness

156) Suffocating darkness

160) Ancient willow

161) Off the map

165) The valley of echoes

166) The family that nobody wanted

167) Dancing in the fountain

169) A time for tenderness

171) Islands in the sky

175) It wasn’t your fault

176) Tempting Enigma

177) Your compassion is like a shadow

179) I hate love

180) Irresistible coercion

183) Blue mists

187) Nothing lost, nothing gained

192) What can you see?

194) The end

195) Nothing out there

202) Vast horizons

204) Quaking need

206) Dangerous illusion

215) Out of sight, out of mind

219) Desire, ask, believe, receive

224) Unrequited accusation

231) Rough hands

233) After tonight

234) Farewell

235) And the edges blur

237) A broken sensitivity

238) A curling shadow

239) A darker pride

244) A love remembered

248) A queer sort of clockwork

250) A story never to tell

251) All sorts of complicated

252) All the tears of God

257) Asleep at dawn

258) Assassin for hire

260) Once upon a December

270) Blood wars

277) Catastrophe in the making

282) Darkness becomes me

283) Dawn of night

287) Desolation Row

299) Evening shadows

305) Fail with honour

306) A childhood dream

310) Flame in the twilight

312) Foreign serenade

314) Forgotten, not forgiven

316) Fragile hearts and candy coated dreams

323) I believe in God. I can hear him laughing at me.

324) I appeared here to vanish there.

327) I miss who you were.

330) I wish upon tonight.

331) I write sins, not tragedies

333) Illuminated darkness

335) Pierce the sky

340) Fire in your eyes

342) Live on your toes, love on your knees, die on your feet.

343) Prisoner in her mind

347) Too wide to cross

348) Arrogance and beauty, painted in ugliness.

354) Island of night

356) Jilted dreams

358) Knowledge in death, wisdom in immortality

361) A beacon of hope

362) Like shattered glass

363) Listless winter

364) Little girl’s downfall

365) Lonely by candlelight

366) Silent angels

369) Blood and tears

370) Love’s pretty follies

372) Mint and lilac

374) Mother Earth’s last stand

375) How to say goodbye

381) Forgotten sanctuary

385) Laughing at the moon

387) Future of the past

389) Whispers in the dark

391) The one no one sees

403) Lost and alone

405) Lapping at the shores of sleep

406) Landing among the stars

417) Falling from a crowd

420) Prisms of a fragmented whole

421) A glittering cavern

425) Gliding over glass

427) Exiled child

430) Who named the stars?

433) Sleepy death

444) Caressed by a nightmare

447) Faces in the clouds

453) A human voice

454) Dream the impossible

456) Flowers in the ashes

461) Frozen bridges

466) Imitation of life

468) Through the fire

470) Freedom in chains

471) Parting regrets

482) Those who do not remember the past

483) When laughter's lost in peaceful silence

484) The sands of time

485) When death’s lips left mine

488) When worlds collide

489) A mortal’s forever

492) Kisses of a night terror

495) The tattered, the torn


Merely Players by libraryloser reviews
According to Dumbledore's Beedle the Bard notes, a Hogwarts musical has only been attempted ONCE. Lily Evans would like everyone to know that particular disaster was NOT her fault. Blame Sirius. Or blame James's admittedly attractive arms, if you must.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 12 - Words: 22,534 - Reviews: 117 - Favs: 81 - Follows: 57 - Updated: 7/10/2012 - Published: 4/7/2010 - Lily Evans P., James P. - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Hot Chocolate reviews
The first Christmas Sherlock is back, he and John decide to spend it at 221b Baker street alone. Why? Cause we love slash. T to be safe, but might be K .
Sherlock - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 609 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 3 - Published: 7/5/2012 - John W., Sherlock H. - Complete
Goodnight reviews
A quick one shot for Tony/Bruce. My first slash fic. Don't like the pairing? Then you must not like science. T for snogging.
Avengers - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,080 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 46 - Follows: 18 - Published: 5/25/2012 - Iron Man/Tony S., Hulk/Bruce B. - Complete
You should know reviews
Zelos and Sheena after the battle at the tower of salvation if you fight Zelos. Or at least what I wished happened. Writing summaries stinks, so R&R please! Duckworth
Tales of Symphonia - Rated: K+ - English - Drama/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 904 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 - Published: 12/19/2011 - Zelos W., Sheena F. - Complete
Only one night with you reviews
My opinion about how Bulma and Vegeta got together. THERE IS NO SMUT! Review please! DISCLAIMER- NONE OF THE CHARACTERS BELONG TO ME!
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 785 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 2 - Published: 12/15/2011 - Bulma, Vegeta - Complete
Romantic reviews
Kurt and Blaine's first kiss. Probably shouldn't be rated T, but still.
Glee - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 698 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 4 - Published: 12/2/2011 - Kurt H., Blaine A. - Complete
Future made of the past reviews
In which Volger gets over himself, and Deryn and Alek stand up for themselves. Story better that summary I hope .Rated T cause it can be. For the 500 prompt challenge. RR please! Duckworth
Leviathan series - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,181 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 3 - Published: 7/27/2011 - Alek F., Deryn S. - Complete
Milestones and Melodrama reviews
Fights, Gay love, Straight love, awkward moments,and daddy issues... What more can one ask for in a storey besides pie? Please read and respond and maybe I'll throw in the pie later.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 7,094 - Reviews: 3 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 7/27/2011 - Published: 7/26/2011 - Scorpius M., Rose W.
Challenging the rules reviews
I think I'll try Defying gravity! In 632 words
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 664 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 1 - Published: 7/24/2011 - Rose W., Scorpius M. - Complete
Check yes, Juliet reviews
In where we pass our muggle studies final, and James loves to sing. Hope you enjoy! Sincerly, Duckworth.
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,617 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 4 - Published: 7/22/2011 - James P., Lily Evans P. - Complete
Remember me reviews
a quick Remus/Lily story cause I really think they were together at some point. Duckworth
Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Angst/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 102 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 7/22/2011 - Remus L., Lily Evans P. - Complete
Of dreams and new hope reviews
My version of the ending and what exactly Rapunzel was thinking. produced by Duckworth!
Tangled - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 260 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 4 - Published: 5/22/2011 - Flynn R., Rapunzel - Complete
Desire, Ask, Believe, Recieve reviews
After Snape's worst memory, what are James and Lily up to?
Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 669 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 6 - Published: 2/27/2011 - James P., Lily Evans P. - Complete
The significance of wishes reviews
Kate has never believed in shooting stars. Oneshot, Kate de Vries
Airborn - Rated: K - English - Family/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 877 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 1 - Published: 1/28/2011 - Complete
A Time for Grief reviews
A brief glimpse of what happened just after the Battle of Hogwarts, from Ginny's POV.
Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 730 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 2 - Published: 1/28/2011 - Ginny W. - Complete