The Random Brigade
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Joined 01-22-11, id: 2715668, Profile Updated: 01-24-18
Author has written 1 story for Game X-overs, and Misc. Cartoons.

If someone is actually finding this in the year of 2018... First of all, what sort of horrible low point have you reached in life to stoop so low?

Secondly, this is Laguz. This account and the little group that created it were all made in a point in my life I look back at with much embarrassment and regret, and I only just recently found the email and password to get onto it again recently by accident. I'm heavily considering deleting the fic at the very least, possibly the whole account as well. I'm not entirely sure, if just because it's probably not a decision I should make on my own, since I wasn't the only one involved in this account, but dear lord I hate thinking back to this phase of mine.

Until I make a decision of what I want to do, please do not read the fic. I feel as though the parts of it I was involved with are such an inaccurate reflection of who I am today that it hurts to think back on. Not just for the 'cringey embarrassing' stuff either. If it was just that, I wouldn't care as much. It just reminds me of a lot of stupid, immature things I did back then though and I'd like to get rid of any reminders of that point of my life.

~With regret and embarrassment, Zoe 'Laguz'

The Random Brigade reviews
The Random Brigade- Laguz, Liza/ML/Sour/whatever you must call her, Momo and Kyo- are going to annoy random characters in their collaborated fic! WARNING: Contains, crack, randomness, and MISSLEPANDASQUIRREL
Crossover - Game X-overs & Misc. Cartoons - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 23 - Words: 23,107 - Reviews: 78 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 5/17/2012 - Published: 3/4/2011